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IUSES awarded 2012 Energy Globe Award for Sustainability for Italy
On June 5 the Energy Globe Action Day presents all the national winners on the UN World Environment Day
Energy saving is now learnt at school and the success of the IUSES – Intelligent Energy at School project, now awarded an international prize, proves it. Fabio Tomasi of AREA Science Park, European coordinator of IUSES (funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme), received today the Energy Globe Award for Italy during a ceremony held at the Province of Trieste headquarters. The award is a prestigious international prize, rewarding every year in different countries innovative projects in the fields of sustainable energy and energy efficiency. The overall organization of the award was carried out in cooperation with the Trade Section of the Austrian Embassy (Advantage Austria) in its Padua Office.
IUSES, born to promote the intelligent use of energy sources and sustainable mobility among high school students and teaching staff, involved young people from 12 European countries. The project started off with one question: how can we educate a large number of young people to interact properly with energy and the environment in the shortest possible time? Starting from the young - was the answer - in turn passing their knowledge and accrued virtuous principles on to their parents. A method that IUSES was able to exploit in the best possible way. Target groups were clear: students and teachers. 15 partners from 12 European countries were involved in the testing stage, with 220 teachers and 20.000 students working on their environmental awareness.
The set of materials (the so-called IUSES tool box) - comprising four manuals, multimedia animations, slides and a set to carry out experiments - developed within the project was continuously improved through feedback received from users. In the end, IUSES involved a total of 80.000 teachers and students all over Europe. Calculations were made, proving that the ecologically correct behaviour patterns learnt through the project lead to energy savings amounting to 1,1 million kWh. Furthermore, emissions for 3.500 tons of CO2 were avoided: a quantity of CO2 such, that a forest should work for a whole year to compensate it. Strong with this experience and the accrued know-how, the Italian (AREA Science Park and Immaginario Scientifico, both from Trieste) and Slovenian (the non-for-profit association Slovenski E-Forum) project partners, resolved to raise the stakes with the TESSI-Teaching Sustainability across Italy and Slovenia, currently underway. The project is financed through the Italy-Slovenia Transnational Cooperation Programme.
In the next few weeks, many other Energy Globe Award winners will receive their awards in all continents, with the cooperation of the national Advantage Austria offices. On June 5, on the occasion of the UN World Environment Day, IUSES and the other environment-focused solutions, winners of the national Energy Globe Awards in their countries, will be the online protagonists on the Energy Globe Action Day, supported by UNIDO, UNEP and UNESCO. On that occasion, all the over 150 winning national projects will be presented one after the other – each using 10 minutes and in consideration of time zones – on the www.energyglobe.info web portal. Projects range from high-tech solutions to simple but effective ideas answering to the vast majority of ecological problems, through energy efficiency, renewables and the accurate usage of resources, as water, for instance.
In the framework of this extraordinary, worldwide online Action Day, Energy Globe will furthermore offer citizens the possibility to test freely online their energy saving potentials (Energy Efficiency Check) and to assess, using the online Solartool, how to use and produce solar energy depending on the solar irradiation in each country. The sum of the potential energy saving and of the solar energy potentially produced will be continuously recorded using an online global meter.
After June 5, new projects can be submitted for the Energy Globe Award. Information and application form can be downloaded at: www.energyglobe.info
Energy Globe, Austria, Ms. Cornelia Kirchweger, phone: +43 7617 2090-30 cornelia.kirchweger@energyglobe.com
Advantage Austria, Padua Office, Italy, Ms. Ingrid Valentini-Wanka, phone: +39 049 8762530 padova@advantageaustria.org, www.advantageaustria.org/it
AREA Science Park Press Office
Leo Brattoli – Francesca Iannelli
phone: +39 040.375 5221/5189
mobile: +39 335.1236284/338.5368101
Province of Trieste Press Office
Carla Ciampalini
Phone: +39 040.3798229/349.8537879
Henry Cole
3 Percy St
HU2 8HH Hull, UK
+44 1482 341724
Assegnato a IUSES l’Energy Globe Award for Sustainability 2012 italiano
Il 5 giugno l’Energy Globe Action Day con la presentazione di tutti i vincitori nella giornata mondiale ONU per l‘ ambiente
Il risparmio energetico si impara anche a scuola e il successo del progetto IUSES - Intelligent Use of Energy at School, ora premiato anche a livello internazionale ne è testimonianza. E’ stato ufficialmente consegnato oggi a Fabio Tomasi di AREA Science Park, responsabile europeo di IUSES, nell’ambito di una cerimonia tenuta nel Palazzo della Provincia di Trieste, L’Energy Globe Award Italia, prestigioso riconoscimento internazionale che premia ogni anno, in diversi Paesi, progetti innovativi nel campo dell'energia sostenibile e dell'efficienza energetica. Il conferimento dell‘ Energy Globe avviene in cooperazione con l‘Ambasciata d‘ Austria Sezione Commerciale Ufficio di Padova (Advantageaustria).
IUSES, nato per promuovere l’uso intelligente delle fonti di energia e la mobilità sostenibile tra studenti e insegnanti delle scuole superiori, ha visto coinvolti giovani di 12 Paesi europei. La domanda di partenza del progetto era: come educare nel più breve tempo possibile un grande numero di persone ad interagire in maniera consapevole con l‘ energia e l‘ambiente? Partendo dai ragazzi che poi educano i loro genitori. Un principio che il progetto IUSES ha saputo sfruttare al meglio. Il target era chiaro: insegnanti e studenti. 15 partner di 12 Paesi europei sono stati coinvolti e nella fase di test 220 insegnanti e 20.000 studenti hanno lavorato sulla loro consapevolezza ambientale.
L‘ insieme dei materiali (il tool box) - che includeva quattro manuali, animazioni multimediali, slides in power point e un set di sperimentazione - è stato continuamente migliorato grazie al feedback degli utilizzatori. Alla fine, IUSES ha coinvolto in Europa complessivamente 80.000 insegnanti e studenti. Si è calcolato che i comportamenti “ecologicamente corretti” derivati dal progetto abbiano complessivamente fatto risparmiare 1,1 milioni di KWh. E‘ stato inoltre evitato un dispendio di circa 3.500 tonnellate di CO2: per poter compensare tale quantitativo un bosco di 1,4 milioni di alberi dovrebbe “lavorare” un anno. Forte di questa esperienza di successo i partner del progetto italiani (AREA Science Park e l’Immaginario Scientifico) e sloveno (l’associazione no-profit Slovenski E Forum) hanno deciso di rilanciare, finanziando il progetto TESSI - Teaching Sustainability across Italy and Slovenia, ora in fase di avvio. Il progetto è finanziato dal programma di cooperazione territoriale Italia-Slovenia.
Nelle prossime settimane verranno premiati molti altri vincitori di Energy Globe in tutti i continenti - in cooperazione con gli Uffici di Advantage Austria dei rispettivi Paesi. Il 5 giugno, in occasione della giornata ONU dedicata all’ambiente, IUSES e le altre soluzioni ambientali vincitrici degli Energy Globe nazionali saranno i protagonisti on-line dell´Energy Globe Action Day, sotto il patrocinio di UNIDO, UNEP e UNESCO. In quell’occasione tutti gli oltre 150 progetti nazionali vincitori saranno presentati in sequenza - al ritmo di 10 minuti ciascuno e nel rispetto dei fusi orari – sul portale www.energyglobe.info. I progetti spaziano da soluzioni high-tech fino a semplici ma efficaci idee che danno una risposta alla maggior parte dei nostri problemi ecologici, attraverso l’efficienza energetica, l’impiego delle energie rinnovabili o l’utilizzo accurato delle nostre risorse , come ad esempio l’acqua.
Nella cornice di questo straordinario Action Day on-line mondiale, Energy Globe offrirà inoltre ai cittadini la possibilità di testare gratuitamente on-line il loro potenziale di capacità di risparmio dell’energia (Energy Efficiency Check), nonché di verificare con il “Solartool online” come utilizzare e produrre energia solare, secondo l’ irradiazione solare di ogni Paese. La somma del possibile risparmio energetico e del potenziale di corrente solare prodotta verrà documentata continuamente on-line su un contatore globale.
Dopo il 5 giugno potranno essere nuovamente presentati progetti per l‘Energy Globe Award. Informazioni e modulo di adesione scaricabili da www.energyglobe.info
Energy Globe, Austria, Mag. Cornelia Kirchweger, T: +43 7617 2090-30 cornelia.kirchweger@energyglobe.com
Advantage Austria, Ufficio di Padova, Italia, Dr. Ingrid Valentini-Wanka, T: +39 049 8762530 padova@advantageaustria.org, www.advantageaustria.org/it
Ufficio stampa
AREA Science Park
Leo Brattoli – Francesca Iannelli
tel. 040.3755221/5189
cell. 335.1236284/338.5368101
Ufficio stampa
Provincia di Trieste
Carla Ciampalini
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TESSI - Teaching Sustainability across Slovenia and Italy
March 8 and 9 marked the beginning of the TESSI transnational project. The official kick-off meeting was held in AREA Science Park, Trieste.
Energy saving, water management, waste recycling: tomorrow’s sustainable development is in the hands of the younger generations, and they can learn at school how to respect and protect the environment. Theory may well prove insufficient, however the call here is upon practice and everyday individual actions to change collective behaviour patterns. This is the underpinning principle for TESSI - Teaching Sustainability across Slovenia and Italy, the transnational project starting on March 8 and 9 with the kick-off meeting hosted by AREA Science Park in Padriciano, Trieste.
Following the success of IUSES, the project funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, aiming to draw the public’s attention on energy saving and directly involving high-school students, TESSI is intended to build upon achieved results and further widen the specific focus. Not just energy, thus, but water and waste management and sustainable mobility. Activities address high-school students from Western Slovenia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the province of Ferrara, Ravenna, Venice, Padua, Rovigo and Treviso. The project entails a training stage for teachers, the development of an innovative multimedia, interactive didactic toolkit and a transnational competition rewarding schools and students achieving the highest environmental benefits, showing an effect on real-life daily habits and behaviour patterns. An itinerant exhibition will also be created, involving schools and local communities to further explore the issues of sustainability.
The 36-month project benefits from the cooperation of Trieste-based AREA Science Park (Lead Partner) and Immaginario Scientifico, the University of Ferrara, Slovenski E-Forum of Lubljana and the University of Nova Gorica.
We analysed critical issues and potential in the geographic context – says Fabio Tomasi, European coordinator of the project – aiming to use these as a starting point for an enhanced, long-term, balanced and sustainable transnational territorial integration. We will learn how to use water wisely, reduce energy consumption, increase the share of renewables, decrease polluting emissions.
TESSI is funded by the 2007-2013 Italy-Slovenia Transnational Cooperation Programme, the European Regional Development Fund and national funds.
Press Office
Leo Brattoli – Francesca Iannelli
phone:. 040 3755221 / 040 3755189
mobile: 335 1236284 / 338 5368101
Teaching Sustainability across Slovenia and Italy
Educare alla sostenibilità:
un progetto comune tra Slovenia e Italia
Con il primo meeting dei partner, in programma domani e dopodomani in AREA, parte TESSI
Risparmio energetico, gestione delle acqua, riciclo dei rifiuti: la sostenibilità di domani è nelle mani delle giovani generazioni che già a scuola possono imparare a rispettare e salvaguardare l’ambiente. Ma non basta la “teoria”, ci vuole la pratica, sono necessarie azioni quotidiane individuali e che possano cambiare comportamenti collettivi. È questa l’idea su cui si sviluppa TESSI - Teaching Sustainability across Slovenia and Italy, che prende il via l’8 e il 9 marzo con il primo meeting dei partner a Trieste, nel campus di Padriciano di AREA Science Park.
Partendo dal successo ottenuto da IUSES - il progetto finanziato dal programma europeo Intelligent Energy Europe sulla sensibilizzazione al risparmio energetico - TESSI vuole valorizzarne i risultati e allo stesso tempo ampliare le tematiche d’interesse. Non solo energia, quindi, ma anche gestione delle acque, gestione dei rifiuti e mobilità sostenibile. Le attività sono rivolte agli studenti delle scuole superiori della Slovenia occidentale, del Friuli Venezia Giulia e delle province di Ferrara, Ravenna, Venezia, Padova, Rovigo e Treviso. Il progetto prevede un programma di formazione per gli insegnanti, lo sviluppo di un innovativo kit didattico multimediale e interattivo e una competizione transfrontaliera che premierà scuole e studenti che otterranno i maggiori benefici ambientali, dimostrando di aver modificato comportamenti e abitudini quotidiane. Sarà inoltre realizzata una mostra itinerante che coinvolgerà le scuole e le comunità locali in un percorso esperienziale sui temi della sostenibilità.
Partner del progetto, che ha una durata di 36 mesi, sono: AREA Science Park (coordinatore), Immaginario Scientifico, Università di Ferrara, Slovenski E-Forum, Università di Nova Gorica.
“Abbiamo analizzato criticità e potenzialità del contesto geografico - spiega Fabio Tomasi, coordinatore europeo del progetto - con l’obiettivo di usarle come volano per raggiungere un’integrazione territoriale transfrontaliera equilibrata e sostenibile sul lungo periodo. Impareremo insieme a evitare lo spreco dell’acqua, diminuire il consumo energetico, aumentare l’uso delle fonti rinnovabili, ridurre le emissioni inquinanti”.
TESSI è un progetto finanziato, nell'ambito del Programma per la Cooperazione Transfrontaliera Italia-Slovenia 2007-2013, dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale e dai fondi nazionali.
Ufficio Stampa
Leo Brattoli – Francesca Iannelli tel. 040 3755221 / 040 3755189
cell. 335 1236284 / 338 5368101
TESSI – Poučevanje trajnosti v Sloveniji in Italiji
8. in 9. marec zaznamovala začetek čezmejnega projekta TESSI Prvo srečanje sodelavcev projekta v AREA Znanstveni park v Padričeju nad Trstom
Učinkovita raba energije, varovanje voda, upravljanje z odpadki: jutrišnji trajnostni razvoj je v rokah mladih generacij, ki se lahko v šoli naučijo kako spoštovati in varovati okolje. Teorija se velikokrat izkaže za nezadostno, a tu gre za to, da s praktičnim udejstvovanjem in vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi izzovemo kolektivne vedenjske vzorce. To je osnovno načelo čezmejnega projekta TESSI – Poučevanje trajnosti v Sloveniji in Italiji, ki se je začel 8 in 9. marca z uvodnim srečanjem sodelavcev projekta v AREA Znanstveni park v Padričeju nad Trstom.
TESSI je nadgradnja IUSES-a, uspešno izvedenega projekta, ki ga je financirala Evropska komisija v okviru programa Inteligentna Energija – Evropa. Cilj IUSES-a je bil usmeriti pozornost javnosti na učinkovito rabo energije, medtem ko TESSI vključuje tudi varovanje voda in upravljanje z odpadki. Aktivnosti projekta so namenjene srednjim šolam ''zahodne in osrednje Slovenije'', Furlanije - Julijske krajine, ter pokrajinam Ferrare, Ravene, Benetk, Padove, Roviga in Treviza. Projekt vključuje usposabljanje učiteljev, razvoj inovativnih multimedijskih pripomočkov, interaktivna didaktična učna gradiva in čezmejno tekmovanje, v okviru katerega bodo nagrajene šole in dijaki, ki bodo naredili največ dobrega za okolje pokazali učinke na vsakodnevne navade in vedenjske vzorce. Del projekta je tudi potujoča razstava, ki bo šole in lokalne skupnosti spodbudila, da še bolje raziščejo možnosti za trajnostno bivanje.
V projektu, ki bo trajal 36 mesecev, sodelujejo AREA Znanstveni park (vodilni partner projekta) in Immaginario Scientifico iz Trsta, Univerza v Ferrari, Slovenski E-forum, društvo za energetsko ekonomiko in ekologijo iz Ljubljane in Univerza v Novi Gorici.
Kritične teme smo analizirali v geografskem kontekstu – pravi Fabio Tomasi, evropski koordinator projekta – da bi jih lahko uporabili kot izhodišče za okrepljeno, dolgoročno, uravnoteženo in trajnostno čezmejno teritorialno integracijo. Naučili se bomo, kako ravnati z vodo, zmanjšati porabo energije, povečati delež obnovljivih virov energije in zmanjšati emisije onesnaževal.
TESSI je sofinanciran v okviru Programa čezmejnega sodelovanja Italija-Slovenija 2007-2013 iz sredstev Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in nacionalnih sredstev.
Press Office
Leo Brattoli – Francesca Iannelli
phone:. 040 3755221 / 040 3755189
mobile: 335 1236284 / 338 5368101
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organized by occasion of project IUSES completion on January 21st, 10,00 - 11,00 a.m. ENVIROS, s.r.o., Na Rovnosti 1, 130 00 Praha 3
We would like to invite you to a press conference where you will be able to get to know the outcomes of the project IUSES where 14 European partners had been involved. This two-year project focused on students and teachers of secondary schools and their relationship to the efficient use of energy in everyday life successfully reached its end.
The conference will inform you about the outputs of the project which are:
- four-piece set of books focused on energy efficiency in three key areas (buildings, industry, transport);
- an interactive web application for energy savings;
- results of an international competition of schools and students;
- kit for physical experiments;
- training for teachers;
- and other interesting things from the two-year duration of the project.
Please confirm your attendance by Wednesday, 19th January 2011 through e-mail address: vlasta.svejnohova@enviros.cz or phone: 724 344 934.
Snacks will be prepared for conference participants.
We look forward to seeing you.
Vlasta Švejnohová
uspořádanou u příležitosti ukončení projektu IUSES dne 21. ledna, od 10,00 do 11,00 hodin ENVIROS, s.r.o., Na Rovnosti 1, 130 00 Praha 3
Srdečně vás zveme k účasti na tiskové konferenci, kde budete mít možnost blíže se seznámit s výstupy projektu IUSES, který zahrnoval 14 evropských partnerů. Dvouletý projekt zaměřený na studenty a pedagogy středních škol a na jejich vztah k efektivnímu využívání energie v každodenním životě se zdárně dostal ke svému konci.
Na konferenci vás budeme informovat o výstupech projektu, které tvoří:
- čtyřdílná sada učebnic tématicky zaměřených na energetickou efektivnost ve třech klíčových oblastech (budovy, průmysl, doprava);
- interaktivní webová aplikaci k energetickým úsporám;
- výsledky mezinárodní soutěže škol a studentů;
- stavebnice pro fyzikální pokusy;
- školení pro pedagogy;
- a další zajímavosti z dvouletého trvání projektu.
Svou účast prosím potvrďte do středy 19. ledna 2011 na e-mailové adrese: vlasta.svejnohova@enviros.cz nebo telefonicky na čísle: 724 344 934.
Pro účastníky konference bude připraveno občerstvení.
Těšíme se na vás.
Vlasta Švejnohová
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IUSES Romanian National workshop
18 oral papers regarding the follow-up of the IUSES project in Romania were presented on occasion of the IUSES National Workshop, held on December 13th at “Ion Creanga High School” in Bucharest. Speakers presented the didactical methods used in the first teaching year as well as the possibilities of their improvement and the efficient use of the educational IUSES kit which represents an important source for documentation and experiments, both for students and teachers. The possibility of future editions of the EESA competition at Local and National Levels were explored.
Workshop-ului National IUSES
In cadrul Workshop-ului National IUSES, care a avut loc pe data de 13 Decembrie 2010 la Colegiul National “Ion Creanga”, in Bucuresti, au fost prezentate un numar de 18 lucrari privitoare la continuarea proiectului IUSES în România, şi anume metodele didactice folosite în acest prim an de predare, dar şi posibilităţile de îmbunătăţire a lor, modul eficient de folosire a kitului educaţional IUSES, care poate reprezenta o sursă importantă de documentare şi de experimentare atât pentru elevi, cât şi pentru profesori, şi, de asemenea, posibilitatea organizării în viitor a concursului EESA la nivel local şi naţional.
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The local Award is planned on the 14th December 2010 in the high energy efficient building (Minergie P)of prioriterre
The program: A reporting will be made on the whole project and the final conference of Trieste The local winning schools will present their works to the other participants. The teachers and some students will represent their school or class. And finally, the award will be distributed to the school together with a symbolic diploma
So that the prizes are useful for the schools, the responsible teachers have been asked to choose their reward:
The Rumilly high school chose to have a conference for their 14/15 year-old students on energy efficiency at schools and energy agency plan.
The Meythet school chose to have 5 light toolkits for their practical training of their technological courses.
La Remise des prix locale a lieu le 14 décembre 2010 dans le bâtiment labellisé Minergie P dans lequel est installé prioriterre.
Le bilan du projet et de la conférence finale sera présenté et la parole sera ensuite donnée aux écoles gagnantes qui pourront présenter leur projet aux autres participants Les professeurs seront accompagnés de plusieurs élèves pour représenter l’école ou la classe. Enfin, la remise du prix!
Afin que les prix soient utiles aux écoles, prioriterre a demandé aux professeurs délégués de choisir leur récompense.
Le Lycée de Rumilly a choisit une conférence sur les économies d’énergie au lycée pour leurs nouvelles classes de seconde
Le Collège de Meythet a choisi du matériel pour les travaux pratiques des classes technologiques : 5 boîte à outil sur la lumière
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A short documentary on IUSES tool box (Slovenia)
Yesterday the Slovens were making a short documentary film on the IUSES experiment tool kit. The shooting took place on the Secondary school Gimnazija Kočevje in south Slovenia with the cooperation of Studio 12.
Nika, Tina, Tomaž and Lado, the students from Gimnazija Kočevje, have each one of them presented one of the experiments that can be made with the help of different appliances that one can find in the IUSES kit. Nika showed the experiment with the isolation; Tina took the digital thermometer and measured the temperature of the classroom, hall and some other places at school; Tomaž compared the electric power of classic and energy saving light bulb by using energy meter; finally, Lado made an experiment with the solar cell and presented the most appreciated toy of the whole box – the mill that runs on solar power. We have named it solar mill.
Their teacher, Mrs. Milena Čahuk, gave a statement on how the IUSES tool kit has helped her teaching rational use of energy at physics. She regrets that Slovenski E-forum has already given all the boxes to the schools. She thinks every teacher should have one or two such boxes.
My bee the film will encourage teachers and schools to buy these appliances on their own. They are quite simple and not expensive at all.
Kratek dokumentarec o uporabi IUSES škatle
Včeraj je na Gimnazija Kočevje in v sodelovanju s Studiom 12 potekalo snemanje kratkega dokumentarca o tem, kako si lahko pri poučevanju učinkovite rabe energije na šoli pomagamo z IUSES škatlo.
Nika, Tina, Tomaž in Lado, dijaki Gimnazije Kočevje, v filmu predstavljajo vsak po enega od poskusov. Nika preizkusi izolacijske plošče; Tina vzame digitalni termometer in premeri temperaturo šolskih prostorov; Tomaž z merilcem porabe električne energije izmeri moč navadne in varčne žarnice ter ju primerja; Lado naredi poskus solarno celico in predstavi najbolj priljubljeno igračko celotne škatle – mlinček, ki deluje na sončno energijo. Poimenovali smo ga solarni mlinček.
V filmu nastopi tudi njihova profesorica, gospa Milena Čahuk, ki na kratko pove, kako ji je IUSES škatla prišla prav pri pouku fizike. Žal ji je, da smo na Slovenskem E-forumu šolam že razdelili vse IUSES škatle. Če bi bilo po njeno, bi imel vsak profesor eno ali dve taki škatli.
Morda bo film spodbudil šole, da naprave za spremljanje porabe energije kupijo same. So zelo preproste in razmeroma poceni.
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Third place for The Noise (Slovenia)
Yesterday video The Noise, winner of Slovene national contest for European Energy saving Award, has won the third place on the European level.
The director, Klemen Berus from the secondary school Gimnazja Novo mesto and his schoolmates (Zala Košak, Peter Rangus, Ambrož Pušnik and Anže Mraz), who have played in the movie or helped in some other way were very happy to receive the award.
The schools will receive The Noise at the beginning of the next year. Together with the videos from the other countries it will be burned to the second (revised) edition of the IUSES DVD.
The Noise is a 27-minutes long movie that talks about love, friendship and how electronic devices more and more alienates us from each other. We are quite sure that the students will love to see it. On the other hand their teachers can use it as a teaching tool – as an introduction to the energy saving topics, for example.
Congratulations to the team from Novo mesto and good luck with the next movies!
Tretje mesto za Zvok
Film Zvok, zmagovalec slovenskega dela Evropske nagrade za energetsko učinkovitost, je včeraj dobil tudi tretje mesto na evropski ravni.
Režiser Klemen Berus iz Gimnazja Novo mesto in njegovi sošolci (Zala Košak, Peter Rangus, Ambrož Pušnik in Anže Mraz), ki so v filmu igrali, ali kako drugače pomagali, so bili nagrade zelo veseli. So uigrana ekipa, ki je posnela že kar nekaj kratkih filmov.
Film Zvok bodo šole prejele začetek prihodnjega leta. Skupaj s filmi ostalih sodelujočih držav, ki so sodelovale na tekmovanju, ga bomo zapekli na drugo (prenovljeno) izdajo IUSES DVD-ja.
Zvok je 27- minutni film, ki govori o ljubezni, prijateljstvu in tem, kako nas sodobne elektronske naprave vse bolj oddaljujejo drug od drugega. Prepričani smo, da si ga bodo dijaki z veseljem ogledali, profesorji pa ga lahko uporabijo kot uvod v učno uro o energetski učinkovitosti.
Ekipi iz Novega mesta iz srca čestitamo in jim želimo še veliko uspehov pri nadaljnjem snemanju filmov!
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European Energy Saving Award - Europe
Energy saving can be learnt at school and over the last two years the IUSES project proved it. The European Energy Saving Award, thought of to promote an intelligent use of energy sources and sustainable mobility among high schools students and teachers, saw many young European citizens involved. Students and whole classes from the 12 participating countries, besides taking part in training activities, have planned and directly experimented several different ways to save energy, enthusiastically taking up the challenge and competing for the award. Tomorrow in Trieste, within the IUSES final conference, the three best European projects will be crowned top winners of the competition and awarded their prizes. On the same occasion, also the Italian and Slovenian winners of the national awards will receive their national prizes. Most significantly, winning students and schools were able to reduce their energy consumption, each using the means they had available and actively involving their communities. The winners will be rewarded for their efforts during the final conference. Martin Eibl - project officer at EACI, the Executive Agency for Competition and Innovation - Fabio Tomasi – the project coordinator – and Ilaria Pierdomenico – representing Welcome Office Friuli Venezia Giulia – will be handing out the prizes to the winners.
To follow the names of the first three European prize-winners for each category:
European Energy Saving Award - Europe
Category: Schools
- 1st prize winner: “Effic - Energ – School”, Mihai Bravu” Technical College (Bucharest) - Romania
- 2nd prize winner: “Intelligent Use of Energy”, Colegio Salesianos Ntra.Sra. Del Pilar” (Zaragoza) - Spain
- 3rd prize winner: “School Energy plan” , ITSCG ‘A. Martini’ CASTELFRANCO (Treviso) - Italy
Category: Individual students
- 1st prize winner: “Our Everyday Energy – Case Study” - Ion Creanga Highschool (Bucharest) - Romania
- 2nd prize winner: “Ecologicamente” - students: Riccardo Cariolato, Andrea Nicoletti, Matteo Pretto - Liceo Scientifico Statale ‘GG Trissino’ (Valdagno - Vicenza) – Italia
- 3rd prize winner: “Responsible Consumption for a Sustainable World” - IES Sierra de Guara (Huesca) - Spain
Category: Video and multimedia
- 1st prize winner: “I Can” Lucan - Ireland
- 2nd prize winner: “It's time to change” - Monreal del Campo (Teruel) - Spain
- 3rd prize winner: “The Noise” - Novo Mesto - Slovenia
Click here to see the conference pictures
Europen Energy Saving Award - Europa
Il risparmio energetico si impara anche a scuola e i due anni di IUSES ne sono la dimostrazione. Il concorso European Energy Saving Award, nato per promuovere l’uso intelligente delle fonti di energia e la mobilità sostenibile tra studenti e insegnanti delle scuole superiori, ha visto coinvolti moltissimi giovani cittadini europei. Studenti e classi dei 12 Paesi in gara, oltre ad aver partecipato alle attività didattiche, hanno progettato e sperimentato in prima persona i diversi modi di risparmiare energia, aderendo con grande entusiasmo al concorso. Domani a Trieste, nell’ambito della conferenza finale del progetto IUSES, saranno premiati i tre migliori progetti europei, vincitori assoluti della competizione. Nel corso della giornata saranno premiati anche i vincitori italiani e sloveni. Hanno vinto studenti e scuole che sono riusciti a ridurre maggiormente il consumo energetico utilizzando i mezzi a loro disposizione e coinvolgendo attivamente nei loro piani tutta la comunità di appartenenza. Ai vincitori sarà riconosciuto il loro impegno durante la conferenza finale del progetto. A premiarli sul palco saranno Martin Eibl, project officer dell’Agenzia Esectuiva per la Competitività e l’Innovazione (EACI), Fabio Tomasi, coordinatore del progetto e Ilaria Pierdomenico, in rappresentanza del Welcome Office Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Questi sono i nomi dei primi tre classificati di ciascuna categoria in gara:
Europen Energy Saving Award - Europa
School category
- I Classificato: “Effic - Energ – School”, Mihai Bravu” Technical College (Bucharest) - Romania
- II Classificato:“Intelligent Use of Energy”, Colegio Salesianos Ntra.Sra. Del Pilar” (Zaragoza) - Spain
- III Classificato: “School Energy plan” , ITSCG ‘A. Martini’ CASTELFRANCO (Treviso) - Italia
Individual student category
- I Classificato: “Our Everyday Energy – Case Study” - Ion Creanga” Highschool (Bucharest) - Romania
- II Classificato: “Ecologicamente”, students: Riccardo Cariolato, Andrea Nicoletti, Matteo Pretto - Liceo Scientifico Statale ‘GG Trissino’ ( Valdagno - Vicenza) - Italia
- III Classificato: “Responsible Consumption for a Sustainable World” - IES Sierra de Guara (Huesca) - Spain
Video & multimedia category
- I Classificato: “I Can” Classificato – Lucan - Ireland
- II Classificato: “It's time to change” - Monreal del Campo (Teruel) - Spain
- III Classificato: “The Noise”- Novo mesto - Slovenia
Clicca qui per vedere le immagini
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Brussels, 16 September 2010
Launch of U4energy, the European school challenge
Today the European Commission launched U4energy, a new cross-border school competition aiming to promote energy savings across Europe. The competition is open to teachers and students in 31 European countries and will reward the best energy efficient practices in schools.
135 students at the European School of Woluwe Saint Lambert witnessed today the official opening of the U4energy competition, in the presence of the European Commissioner for Energy, Mr. Günther Oettinger, and Ms Sarah Tak, Advisor to Pascal Smet, Flemish Minister of Education, Youth, Equal Opportunities and Brussels Affairs.
Starting today, schools in 31 European countries (the 27 EU member states, plus Norway, Croatia, Iceland and Liechtenstein) are invited to submit their contribution to a more energy-efficient future, earning the chance to win a prize and gain recognition at European level.
Underlining the importance of energy education as a motor of sustainable development, Commissioner Günther Oettinger said: "I am confident that through their commitment, innovative spirit and creativity, students and teachers will make U4energy an excellent platform for sharing expertise in energy education and intelligent energy use across Europe”.
The U4energy competition represents a unique opportunity for teachers to demonstrate that saving energy and protecting the environment can also be a fun activity. U4energy will provide a suitable framework to reward teachers and students' best practices and spread them from school to school, and from country to country.
U4energy is among the over 20 projects and initiatives in the field of energy education funded under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme which contributes 15 million Euro to the cause of energy education.
About U4Energy
U4Energy (www.u4energy.eu) is a European Commission initiative, funded through the Intelligent Energy Europe programme, which aims to make Europe more competitive and innovative while helping it to deliver on its ambitious climate change objectives. To find out more about the projects in the area of energy education visit: http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . U4Energy is carried out by European Schoolnet on behalf of the European Commission.
Diane Kelecom, Communications Officer, diane.kelecom@eun.org Tel +32 2 790 7563 or U4energy@eun.org
Brussels, 16 September 2010
Стартира U4energy, европейското училищно предизвикателство
Днес Европейската комисия даде старт на U4energy, едно ново международно училищно състезание, чиято цел е да популяризира пестенето на енергия в Европа. Състезанието е отворено за учители и ученици от 31 европейски държави и ще награди най-добрите практики за пестене не енергия в училищата.
135 ученици от европейското училище Woluwe Saint Lambert днес станаха свидетели на официалното откриване на състезанието U4energy, в присъствието на Европейския комисар по енергетиката, г-н Гюнтер Йотингер и г-жа Сара Так, съветник на Паскал Смет, фламандския министър на образованието, младежта, равните възможности и европейските въпроси.
От днес училищата в 31 европейски страни (27 членки на ЕС плюс Норвегия, Хърватска, Исландия и Лихтенщайн) могат да зареждат своите разработки, насочени към едно по-ефективно енергийно бъдеще като заедно с това имат шанса да спечелят награди и да получат признание на европейско ниво.
Като подчерта важността на енергийното образование като двигател на устойчивото развитие, комисар Гюнтер Йотингер каза: „Убеден съм, че със своята всеотдайност, иновационен дух и творчество учениците и учителите ще направят U4energy една отлична платформа за споделяне на експертни оценки в областта на енергийното образование и интелигентното ползване на енергия в Европа.”
Състезанието U4energy предоставя уникалната възможност на учителите да демонстрират, че пестенето на енергия и предпазването на околната среда може да бъде и много забавно. U4energy ще осигури подходящи награди за стимулиране на най-добрите учителски и ученически практики и ще ги разпространи от училище на училище, от страна на страна.
U4energy е една от над 20-те инициативи и проекти в сферата на енергийното образование, спонсорирана от програмата Intelligent Energy Europe, която дава 15 милиона евро за тази кауза.
За U4Energy
(www.u4energy.eu) е инициатива на Европейската комисия, спонсорирана чрез програмата Intelligent Energy Europe, която цели да направи Европа по-конкурентно способна и иновационна като същевременно й помага да постигне своите амбициозни цели по отношение промените в климата. За да научите повече за проектите в сферата на енергийното образование, посетете: http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . U4Energy се провежда от Европейската училищна мрежа от името на Европейската комисия.
За контакти
Диане Келеком, завеждащ комуникациите тел. +32 2 790 7563 или U4energy@eun.org
rusel, 16. září 2010
Soutěž U4energy, výzva pro evropské školy, je zahájena!
Dnes zahájila Evropská komise U4energy, novou evropskou soutěž pro školy, jež se zaměřuje na prosazování energetických úspor po celé Evropě. Soutěž je určena pro učitele a studenty z 31 evropských zemí a budou v ní oceněni autoři nejlepších úsporných opatření ve školách.
135 studentů ze školy European School of Woluwe Saint Lambert se dnes stalo svědky oficiálního zahájení soutěže U4energy, které proběhlo za přítomnosti evropského komisaře pro energii, pana Günthera Oettingera, a slečny Sarah Tak, poradkyně Pascala Smeta, vlámského šéfa ministerstva pro školství, mládež, rovné příležitosti a bruselské záležitosti.
Ode dneška mohou školy z 31 evropských zemí (ze 27 členských států EU plus Norska, Chorvatska, Islandu a Lichtenštejnska) zasílat soutěžní příspěvky, aby jejich prostřednictvím přispěly k energeticky úspornější budoucnosti, vyhrály některou z cen a vysloužily si uznání na evropské úrovni.
Komisař Günther Oettinger, jenž ve svém projevu zdůraznil význam vzdělávání v oblasti energie jakožto motoru trvale udržitelného rozvoje, řekl: "Jsem hluboce přesvědčen, že díky svému zaujetí pro věc, inovativnímu duchu a kreativitě přetvoří studenti a učitelé U4energy ve vynikající platformu pro sdílení odborných znalostí ohledně vzdělávání v oblasti energie a inteligentního využívání energie po celé Evropě.”
Učitelům nabízí soutěž U4energy jedinečnou příležitost předvést žákům, že šetření energií a ochrana životního prostředí může být i zábava. U4energy je systém, v jehož rámci bude možno odměnit nejlepší počiny učitelů a studentů a šířit tyto tvůrčí nápady od školy ke škole a ze země do země.
U4energy patří k více než dvaceti projektům a iniciativám týkajících se vzdělávání v oblasti energie, které jsou financovány z programu Inteligentní energie pro Evropu, jenž na toto vzdělávání přispívá částkou 15 milionů euro.
O soutěži U4energy
U4energy (www.u4energy.eu) je iniciativou Evropské komise, financovanou prostřednictvím programu Inteligentní energie pro Evropu. Tato iniciativa má za cíl zlepšit konkurenceschopnost a inovativnost Evropy a pomoci zapojit evropský světadíl do ambiciózních plánů souvisejících s klimatickými změnami. Chcete-li se o projektech věnovaných vzdělávání v oblasti energie dozvědět více, navštivte webové stránky http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . Soutěž U4energy pořádá jménem Evropské komise organizace European Schoolnet.
Diane Kelecom, úřednice pro styk s veřejností, diane.kelecom@eun.org Telefon: +32 2 790 7563 nebo e-mail: U4energy@eun.org
Brüssel, 16. September 2010
Start von U4energy, dem europäischen Schulwettbewerb
Heute hat die Europäische Kommission den offiziellen Startschuss gegeben für U4energy, einem neuen grenzüberschreitenden Schulwettbewerb, bei dem es darum geht, in ganz Europa Energieeinsparungen zu fördern. Der Wettbewerb richtet sich an LehrerInnen und SchülerInnen in 31 europäischen Ländern und zeichnet die besten Energieeffizienzpraktiken in Schulen aus.
135 SchülerInnen der Europäischen Schule in Woluwe Saint Lambert wohnten heute im Beisein von Günther Oettinger, dem Europäischen Kommissars für Energie, und Sarah Tak, der Beraterin von Pascal Smet, dem flämischen Minister für Unterricht, Jugend, Chancengleichheit und Brüssel, der offiziellen Eröffnung des U4energy Wettbewerbs bei.
Ab heute sind Schulen in 31 europäischen Ländern (die 27 EU-Mitgliedstaaten plus Norwegen, Kroatien, Island und Liechtenstein) eingeladen, ihre Beiträge für eine energieeffizientere Zukunft einzureichen und somit die Möglichkeit zu einem Preis und europaweiter Anerkennung zu erhalten.
Kommissar Günther Oettinger unterstrich die Bedeutung der Energie-Bildung als Motor der nachhaltigen Entwicklung: „Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass dank des Engagements, des Innovationsgeistes und der Kreativität der SchülerInnen und LehrerInnen U4energy zu einer tollen Plattform zum europaweiten Austausch von Fachkompetenz im Bereich der Energie-Bildung und der intelligenten Nutzung von Energie wird”.
Der U4energy-Wettbewerb bietet den Lehrpersonen eine einzigartige Möglichkeit zu zeigen, dass Energiesparen und Umweltschutz auch Spaß machen kann. U4energy bietet einen passenden Rahmen um die Best Practice Beispiele der LehrerInnen und SchülerInnen auszuzeichnen und sie von Schule zu Schule und von Land zu Land zu verbreiten.
U4energy ist eines der über 20 Projekte und Initiativen im Bereich der Energie-Bildung, die im Rahmen des „Intelligent Energy Europe“-Programms gefördert werden, welches 15 Millionen Euro für die Energie-Bildung bereitstellt.
Über U4Energy
U4Energy (www.u4energy.eu) ist eine Initiative der Europäischen Kommission, die durch das „Intelligent Energy Europe“-Programm finanziert wird, das Europa wettbewerbsfähiger und innovativer machen und es gleichzeitig beim Erreichen der ehrgeizigen Klimaziele unterstützen möchte. Mehr zu den Projekten im Bereich der Energie-Bildung erfahren Sie unter: http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . U4Energy wird von European Schoolnet im Namen der Europäischen Kommission durchgeführt.
Diane Kelecom, Communications Officer, diane.kelecom@eun.org Tel +32 2 790 7563 oder U4energy@eun.org
Bruselas, 16 de septiembre de 2010
Lanzamiento de U4energy, el desafío de los centros escolares europeos
Hoy, la Comisión Europea ha lanzado U4energy, un nuevo concurso ínter-escolar para promover el ahorro de energía en toda Europa. El concurso, abierto a los profesores y alumnos de 31 países europeos, premiará las mejores prácticas de eficiencia energética en los centros escolares.
135 alumnos del centro escolar europeo Woluwe Saint Lambert han sido testigos hoy de la apertura oficial del concurso U4energy, en presencia del Comisario europeo de la Energía el Sr. Günther Oettinger y de la Sra. Sarah Tak, asesora de Pascal Smet, Ministro flamenco de Educación, Juventud, Igualdad de oportunidades y Asuntos Sociales de Bruselas.
A partir de hoy, los centros escolares de 31 países europeos (los 27 estados miembros, más Noruega, Croacia, Islandia y Liechtenstein) tienen la oportunidad de enviar sus propuestas al concurso para un uso más eficiente de la energía en el futuro, con el podrán ganar un premio y reconocimiento a nivel europeo.
Considerando la importancia de una educación para la energía como motor para un desarrollo sostenible, el Comisario Günther Oettinger afirmó: confío en que mediante su compromiso, su espíritu innovador y su creatividad, los alumnos y los profesores harán de U4energy una plataforma excelente donde compartir sus experiencias en educación para la energía y un uso inteligente de la energía por toda Europa”.
El concurso U4energy supone para los profesores una ocasión única de demostrar que ahorrar energía y proteger el medioambiente puede ser muy divertido. U4energy ofrece un marco ideal para premiar las mejores experiencias de los alumnos y los profesores y hacerlas llegar de una escuela a la otra y de un país al otro.
U4energy está entre los 20 proyectos e iniciativas en el área de educación para la energía, financiadas por el programa Energía Inteligente – Europa, que contribuye con 15 millones de Euros a la causa de la educación para la energía.
Acerca de U4Energy
U4Energy (www.u4energy.eu) es una iniciativa de la Comisión Europea, financiada a través del programa Energía Inteligente - Europa, que pretende hacer una Europa más competitiva e innovadora, ayudando a conseguir sus ambiciosos objetivos respecto al cambio climático. Para más información sobre los proyectos en el área de educación para la energía, visita: http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . U4Energy está organizado por European Schoolnet en nombre de la Comisión Europea.
Diane Kelecom, Responsable de comunicaciones, diane.kelecom@eun.org Télf. +32 2 790 7563 o U4energy@eun.org
Bruxelles, le 16 septembre 2010
Lancement du concours U4energy, le défi pour les écoles en Europe
Aujourd'hui, la Commission européenne a lancé U4energy, un nouveau concours pour les écoles en Europe qui vise à promouvoir les économies d'énergie. Le concours s'adresse aux enseignants et aux élèves de 31 pays européens et récompensera les meilleures pratiques d'efficacité énergétique dans les écoles.
135 élèves de l'école européenne de Woluwe-Saint-Lambert ont assisté aujourd'hui à la cérémonie de lancement officiel du concours U4energy, en présence du commissaire européen en charge de l'énergie, M. Günther Oettinger, et de Mme Sarah Tak, conseillère de Pascal Smet, le ministre flamand de l'éducation, de la jeunesse, de l'égalité des chances et des affaires bruxelloises.
À partir d'aujourd'hui, les écoles de 31 pays européens (les 27 États membres, plus la Norvège, la Croatie, l'Islande et le Liechtenstein) sont invitées à soumettre leur contribution pour assurer un avenir plus économe en énergie et auront la possibilité de gagner un prix et d'être reconnues au niveau européen.
Tout en soulignant l'importance de l'éducation à l'énergie comme moteur du développement durable, le commissaire Günther Oettinger a déclaré : « Je suis persuadé qu'avec leur engagement, leur esprit novateur et leur créativité, les élèves et les enseignants feront de U4energy une plate-forme de premier plan pour le partage de savoir-faire en matière d'éducation à l'énergie et d'utilisation intelligente de l'énergie en Europe. »
Le concours U4energy est une occasion unique pour les enseignants de montrer que la réalisation d'économies d'énergie et la protection de l'environnement peuvent être des activités amusantes. U4energy fournira un cadre adéquat pour récompenser les meilleures pratiques des enseignants et des élèves et les diffuser d'une école à l'autre et d'un pays à l'autre.
U4energy compte parmi la vingtaine de projets et d'initiatives dans le domaine de l'éducation à l'énergie financés dans le cadre du programme « Énergie intelligente pour l'Europe », qui accorde 15 millions d'euros à ce type d'activités.
À propos de U4energy
U4energy (www.u4energy.eu) est une initiative de la Commission européenne, financée par le programme « Énergie intelligente pour l'Europe », qui vise à rendre l'Europe plus compétitive et innovante, tout en favorisant la réalisation de ses objectifs ambitieux en matière de changement climatique. Pour de plus amples informations sur les projets dans le domaine de l'éducation à l'énergie, visitez le site http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . U4energy est géré par European Schoolnet au nom de la Commission européenne.
Diane Kelecom, Agent de communication, diane.kelecom@eun.org , Tél. : +32 2 790 7563 ou U4energy@eun.org
Βρυξέλλες, 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010
Έναρξη του U4energy, του διαγωνισμού-πρόκληση για τα σχολεία της Ευρώπης
Σήμερα η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή προέβη στην έναρξη του U4energy, ενός νέου δια-συνοριακού σχολικού διαγωνισμού που επιδιώκει να προάγει την εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας στην Ευρώπη. Ο διαγωνισμός είναι ανοιχτός σε εκπαιδευτικούς και μαθητές από 31 Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες και θα επιβραβεύσει τις καλύτερες πρακτικές ενεργειακής αποδοτικότητας στα σχολεία.
135 μαθητές στο Ευρωπαϊκό σχολείο του Woluwe Saint Lambert παρακολούθησαν σήμερα την επίσημη έναρξη του διαγωνισμού U4energy, παρουσία του Ευρωπαίου Επιτρόπου Ενέργειας, κ. Günther Oettinger, και της κας Sarah Tak, Συμβούλου στο Pascal Smet, του Φλαμανδικού Υπουργείου Παιδείας, Νεότητας, Ίσων Ευκαιριών και Υποθέσεων των Βρυξελλών.
Ως από σήμερα, σχολεία από 31 Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες (τα 27 κράτη-μέλη της ΕΕ καθώς επίσης τη Νορβηγία, την Κροατία, την Ισλανδία και το Λιχτενστάιν) καλούνται να υποβάλλουν τις συμμετοχές τους για ένα μέλλον ενεργειακά πιο αποδοτικό, αποκτώντας την ευκαιρία να κερδίσουν ένα βραβείο και φήμη σε Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο.
Υπογραμμίζοντας τη σημασία της ενεργειακής εκπαίδευσης ως μέσο υποστήριξης της αειφόρου ανάπτυξης, ο Επίτροπος κ. Günther Oettinger είπε: «Είμαι βέβαιος ότι μέσω της δέσμευσης, του καινοτόμου πνεύματος και δημιουργικότητας, μαθητές και εκπαιδευτικοί θα καταστήσουν το U4energy μια εξαιρετική πλατφόρμα για την ανταλλαγή ειδικών γνώσεων στον τομέα της ενεργειακής εκπαίδευσης και της έξυπνης ενέργειας στην Ευρώπη».
Ο διαγωνισμός U4energy αντιπροσωπεύει μια μοναδική ευκαιρία για τους εκπαιδευτικούς να δείξουν ότι η εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας και η προστασία του περιβάλλοντος μπορεί να γίνει διασκεδαστική δραστηριότητα. Το U4energy θα προσφέρει ένα κατάλληλο πλαίσιο, ώστε να επιβραβευτούν οι καλύτερες πρακτικές εκπαιδευτικών και μαθητών και να διαδοθούν από σχολείο σε σχολείο, και από χώρα σε χώρα.
Το U4energy είναι ένα από τα τουλάχιστον 20 έργα και πρωτοβουλίες στον τομέα της ενεργειακής εκπαίδευσης που επιχορηγούνται από το Ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα Έξυπνης Ενέργειας, το οποίο συνεισφέρει 15 εκατομμύρια Ευρώ με σκοπό την ενεργειακή εκπαίδευση.
Σχετικά με το U4Energy
Το U4Energy (www.u4energy.eu) αποτελεί πρωτοβουλία της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, χρηματοδοτούμενη μέσω του Ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος Έξυπνης Ενέργειας, το οποίο επιδιώκει να καταστήσει την Ευρώπη πιο ανταγωνιστική και καινοτόμο, βοηθώντας παράλληλα στην επίτευξη των φιλόδοξων στόχων που αφορούν στην κλιματική αλλαγή. Για να μάθετε περισσότερα αναφορικά με τις εργασίες στον τομέα της ενεργειακής εκπαίδευσης επισκεφτείτε το: http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . Το U4Energy διενεργείται από το Ευρωπαϊκό Σχολικό Δίκτυο εκ μέρους της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής.
Diane Kelecom, Υπεύθυνη Επικοινωνίας, diane.kelecom@eun.org Tel +32 2 790 7563 U4energy@eun.org
Bruxelles, 16 settebre 2010
Lancio di U4energy, la sfida scolastica europea
Oggi la Commissione europea ha lanciato U4energy, un nuovo concorso scolastico senza confini, volto a promuovere il risparmio energetico in tutta Europa. Il concorso è aperto a insegnanti e studenti in 31 paesi europei e premierà le migliori pratiche di efficienza energetica nelle scuole.
135 studenti della scuola europea di Woluwe Saint Lambert hanno partecipato oggi all'apertura ufficiale del concorso U4energy, alla presenza del Commissario europeo per l'Energia, Günther Oettinger, e Sarah Tak, consigliera di Pascal Smet, ministro fiammingo della pubblica istruzione, politiche giovanili, pari opportunità e affari di Bruxelles.
A partire da oggi, le scuole di 31 paesi europei (27 stati membri dell'Unione Europea, più Norvegia, Croazia, Islanda e Liechtenstein) sono invitate a presentare il loro contributo ad un futuro più efficiente, avendo la possibilità di vincere un premio ed ottenere riconoscimento a livello europeo.
Sottolineando l'importanza dell’educazione energetica come motore dello sviluppo sostenibile, il Commissario Günther Oettinger ha dichiarato: "Sono certo che attraverso il loro impegno, il loro spirito innovativo e la loro creatività, studenti e insegnanti renderanno U4energy un'ottima piattaforma per condividere capacità e conoscenze nel campo dell'educazione e dell’uso intelligente dell’energia in tutta Europa".
Il concorso U4energy rappresenta un'opportunità unica per gli insegnanti di dimostrare come risparmio energetico e tutela dell'ambiente possano anche essere un’attività divertente. U4energy fornirà il giusto contesto per premiare le buone prassi di studenti ed insegnanti, trasmettendole da scuola a scuola e da paese a paese.
U4energy è tra gli oltre 20 progetti e iniziative nel campo dell'educazione energetica finanziati nell'ambito del programma Energia Intelligente per l'Europa, che contribuisce all’educazione in ambito energetico con un totale di 15 milioni di euro.
A proposito di U4Energy
U4Energy (www.u4energy.eu) è un'iniziativa della Commissione europea, finanziata dal programma Energia Intelligente per l'Europa che mira a rendere l'Europa più competitiva ed innovativa, aiutandola a raggiungere obiettivi ambiziosi per il cambiamento climatico. Per saperne di più sui progetti nel settore dell’educazione energetica visita: http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy , U4Energy è realizzato da European Schoolnet per conto della Commissione europea.
Diane Kelecom, assistente di comunicazione, diane.kelecom@eun.org Tel. 32 2 790 7563 o U4energy@eun.org
Brisele, 2010. gada 16. septembris
U4energy atklāšana, Eiropas skolas izaicinājums
Šodien Eiropas Komisija atklāja U4energy, jaunu pārrobežu skolas konkursu ar mērķi veicināt enerģijas taupīšanu visā Eiropā. Konkurss ir pieejams skolotājiem un skolēniem 31 Eiropas valstī, un tas apbalvos vislabākās enerģijas efektīvas prakses skolās.
135 skolēni no Eiropas Woluwe Saint Lambert skolas šodien pieredzēja U4energy oficiālu konkursa atklāšanu, kas notika Eiropas Enerģētikas Komisāra Gunther Oettiger kunga, Sarah Tak - padomnieces Pascal Smet kungam, Flāmu Izglītības, Jaunatnes, Vienlīdzīgu Iespēju un Briseles Lietu Ministra klātbūtnē.
Sākot no šodienas 31 Eiropas valstu (27 ES dalībvalstis plus Norvēģija, Horvātija Islande un Lihtenšteina) skolas tiek aicinātas iesniegt savus darbus enerģijas efektīvākai nākotnei, nopelnot iespēju iegūt balvu un atzinību Eiropas līmenī.
Uzsverot enerģijas izglītības nozīmi kā ilgtspējīgas attīstības dzinēju, Komisārs Gunther Oettinger sacīja: “Es esmu pārliecināts, ka ar savu apņemšanos, inovatīvo garu un radošumu, skolēni un skolotāji izveidos U4energy par izcilu platformu, lai dalītos enerģijas izglītības pieredzē un saprātīgas enerģijas izmantošanā visā Eiropā”.
U4energy konkurss ietver vienreizēju iespēju skolotājiem demonstrēt to, ka enerģijas taupīšana un vides aizsardzība var arī būt jautrs pasākums. U4energy nodrošinās piemērotu sistēmu, lai apbalvotu skolotāju un skolēnu vislabākās darbības un izplatītu tās no skolas uz skolu un no valsts uz valsti.
U4energy ir viens no vairāk nekā 20 projektiem un iniciatīvām enerģijas izglītības jomā, ko finansē Saprātīgās Enerģijas Eiropas programma, kura iegulda 15 miljonus eiro enerģijas izglītības sfērā.
Par U4Energy
U4Energy (www.u4energy.eu) ir Eiropas Komisijas iniciatīva, ko finansē ar Saprātīgās Enerģijas Eiropas programmas starpniecību, kuras mērķis ir veidot Eiropu konkurējošāku un inovatīvāku, tādejādi palīdzot tai sasniegt tās ambiciozos klimata maiņas mērķus. Lai uzzinātu vairāk par projektiem enerģijas izglītības sfērā, apmeklējiet http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy .
U4Energy vada European Schoolnet sadarbībā ar Eiropas Komisiju.
Diane Kelecom, Komunikāciju vadītāja, diane.kelecom@eun.org Tel +32 2 790 7563 vai U4energy@eun.org
Brussel, 16 september 2010
Lancering van U4energy, de uitdaging voor scholen in Europa
Vandaag lanceerde de Europese Commissie U4energy, een nieuwe grensoverschrijdende scholencompetitie om energiebesparing in heel Europa te stimuleren. Deelname staat open voor leerkrachten en leerlingen uit 31 Europese landen, en de beste energie-efficiënte maatregelen op scholen zullen worden beloond.
135 leerlingen van de Europese School van Woluwe-Saint-Lambert/Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe waren vandaag getuige van de officiële lancering van de competitie van U4energy, die plaatsvond in aanwezigheid van de Europees commissaris voor Energie, de heer Günther Oettinger, en mevrouw Sarah Tak, adviseuse van de heer Pascal Smet, de Vlaams minister van Onderwijs, Jeugd, Gelijke Kansen en Brussel.
Vanaf vandaag worden scholen in 31 Europese landen (de 27 lidstaten van de EU, plus Noorwegen, Kroatië, IJsland en Liechtenstein) uitgenodigd hun bijdrage aan een energie-efficiëntere toekomst in te zenden en zo mee te dingen naar een prijs en erkenning op Europees niveau.
Commissaris Günther Oettinger benadrukte het belang van onderwijs over energie-efficiëntie als drijvende kracht achter duurzame ontwikkeling: "Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat leerkrachten en leerlingen U4energy met hun betrokkenheid, vernieuwende blik en creativiteit tot een uitmuntend platform zullen maken voor het delen van knowhow op het gebied van onderwijs over energie-efficiëntie en het gebruik van intelligente energie in heel Europa”.
De competitie van U4energy biedt leerkrachten een unieke mogelijkheid om te laten zien dat het besparen van energie en het beschermen van het milieu ook leuk kan zijn. U4energy biedt een passend kader om de beste praktijken van leerkrachten en leerlingen te belonen en deze te verspreiden van school tot school, en van land tot land.
U4energy maakt deel uit van de ruim 20 projecten en initiatieven op het gebied van onderwijs over energie-efficiëntie die worden gefinancierd door het programma Intelligentie Energie – Europa, dat 15 miljoen euro bijdraagt aan onderwijs over energie-efficiëntie.
Over U4Energy
U4Energy (www.u4energy.eu) is een initiatief van de Europese Commissie, gefinancierd door het programma Intelligente Energie - Europa, dat ten doel heeft de positie van Europa op het gebied van concurrentie en innovatie te versterken en het te helpen zijn ambitieuze klimaatveranderingsdoelstellingen te behalen. Kom meer te weten over projecten op het gebied van onderwijs over energie-efficiëntie op http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . U4Energy wordt uitgevoerd door European Schoolnet namens de Europese Commissie.
Diane Kelecom, Functionaris Communicatie, diane.kelecom@eun.org Tel +32 2 790 7563 of U4energy@eun.org
Bruxelles, 16 septembrie 2010
Lansarea concursului şcolar pan-european U4energy
Comisia Europeană a lansat astăzi un nou concurs şcolar pan-european intitulat “U4energy”. Acesta are ca scop promovarea optimizării consumului de energie în întreaga Europă. Concursul se adresează cadrelor didactice şi elevilor din cele 31 de ţări europene şi urmăreşte recompensarea celor mai bune practici de eficientizare a consumului de energie din şcoli.
135 elevi de la Şcoala Europeană din Woluwe Saint Lambert au asistat astăzi la deschiderea oficială a competiţiei U4energy, în prezenţa Comisarului european pentru energie, domnul Günther Oettinger, şi a doamnei Sarah Tak, consilier al dlui. Pascal Smet, Ministrul Flamand al Educației, Tineretului, Egalității de Șanse și al Afacerilor din Bruxelles.
Începând de astăzi, şcolile din cele 31 de ţări europene (cele 27 de ţări membre UE, inclusiv Norvegia, Croaţia, Islanda şi Liechtenstein) sunt invitate să-şi trimită lucrările axate pe optimizarea consumului de energie, având ocazia de a câştiga premii şi recunoaştere la nivel european.
Subliniind importanţa educaţiei pentru energie ca motor al dezvoltării durabile, Comisarul Günther Oettinger, a declarat: "Sunt încrezător că, prin angajamentul, spiritul inovativ si creativitatea lor, elevii şi profesorii vor face din U4energy o platformă excelentă destinată schimbului de experienţă în domeniul educaţiei pentru energie şi utilizării inteligente a energiei în întreaga Europă".
Concursul U4energy reprezintă o oportunitate unică pentru profesori de a demonstra că economisirea energiei şi protejarea mediului pot deveni activităţi şcolare plăcute. U4energy va oferi un cadru adecvat pentru a recompensa profesorii şi elevii pentru cele mai bune practici de optimizare a consumului de energie şi pentru promovarea acestora în alte şcoli, precum şi în alte ţări.
U4energy se numără printre cele peste 20 de proiecte şi iniţiative în domeniul educaţiei pentru energie, finanţate în cadrul programului "Energie inteligentă pentru Europa” care contribuie cu 15 milioane de Euro pentru promovarea educaţiei pentru energie.
About U4Energy
U4Energy (www.u4energy.eu) reprezintă o iniţiativă a Comisiei Europene, finanţată prin programul “Energie intelligentă pentru Europa” şi urmăreşte să stimuleze competitivitatea şi inovaţia în Europa, contribuind, în acelaşi timp, la îndeplinirea obiectivelor ambiţioase ale acesteia în domeniul schimbărilor climatice. Pentru mai multe informaţii despre proiectele în domeniul educaţiei pentru energie, vă rugăm să accesaţi: http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . Concursul şcolar U4Energy este administrat de European Schoolnet în numele Comisiei Europene.
Diane Kelecom, Consilier informare şi comunicare, diane.kelecom@eun.org Tel +32 2 790 7563 sau U4energy@eun.org
Bruselj, 16. september 2010
Začel je delovati Evropski šolski natečaj U4energy
Danes je Evropska komisija pognala v tek U4energy, novi mednarodni šolski natečaj, katerega namen je krepiti zavest o nujnosti varčevanja z energijo po vsej Evropi. Natečaj je namenjen učiteljem in učencem iz 31 evropskih držav in bo nagradil najboljše ukrepe za bolj učinkovito izrabo energije na šolah.
Na evropski šoli Woluwe Saint Lambert je danes 135 učencev ob navzočnosti Evropskega komisarja za energijo, G. Güntherja Oettingerja in Ga. Sarah Tak, svetovalke flamskega ministra za izobraževanje, mladino, enake možnosti in bruseljske zadeve, Pascala Smeta, prisostvovalo uradni otvoritvi natečaja U4energy.
Od današnjega dne dalje 31 evropskih držav (27 članic EU ter Norveško, Hrvaško, Islandijo in Lihtenštajn) vabimo, da nam pošljejo svoj prispevek k energetsko učinkovitejši prihodnosti ter si prislužijo možnost za nagrado ter priznanje na evropski ravni.
Komisar Günther Oettinger je poudaril, da predstavlja energetsko izobraževanje motor trajnostnega razvoja ko je dejal: “Prepričan sem, da bodo s pomočjo predanosti, inovativnega duha in ustvarjalnosti učenci in učitelji iz U4energy ustvarili odlično platformo za izmenjavo strokovnega znanja s področja energetskega izobraževanja ter inteligentne uporabe energije po vsej Evropi”.
Natečaj U4energy predstavlja enkratno priložnost za učitelje in učence, saj jim omogoča nazoren prikaz, da sta lahko varčevanje energije in zaščita okolja tudi zabavni. U4energy zagotavlja primeren okvir za nagrajevanje najboljših rešitev učiteljev in učencev ter njihovo širjenje od šole do šole ter od države do države.
U4energy predstavlja enega izmed 20-tih projektov in iniciativ s področja energetskega izobraževanja, ki potekajo v okviru programa Inteligentna energija v Evropi, s pomočjo katerega je za energetsko izobraževanje namenjenih 15 milijonov Evrov.
O U4Energy
U4Energy (www.u4energy.eu) je iniciativa Evropske komisije, ki se financira s pomočjo programa Inteligentna energija v Evropi, katerega cilj je napraviti Evropo bolj konkurenčno in inovativno na ta način, da ji pomaga uresničevati njene ambiciozne cilje glede preprečevanja podnebnih sprememb. Če želite izvedeti več o projektih s področja energetskega izobraževanja obiščite http://ec.europa.eu/intelligentenergy . U4Energy v imenu Evropske komisije vodi Evropsko šolsko omrežje.
Diane Kelecom, Odnosi z javnostmi, diane.kelecom@eun.org Tel +32 2 790 7563 ali U4energy@eun.org
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The Schools Will Keep Using IUSES Tool kit (Slovenia)
Although IUSES project is almost over there are very good chances that the IUSES tools – handbooks, animations and the box – will be widely used also in the school year 2010/2011.
Namely, Slovenski E-forum has presented the IUSES package to the national coordination of the U4Energy contest. Nada Pavšar, the ambassador of the contest in Slovenia, and her team find the IUSES kit a very good source of knowledge and information for schools.
It is very likely that in the next months Slovenski E-forum will demonstrate the kit to the teachers who have decided to take part at the contest. National coordination plans to organize special workshops for that and give the non-governmental organisations the opportunity to present their good practices.
Šole bodo še naprej uporabljale IUSES učni paket
Projekt IUSES je že skoraj pri koncu, kljub temu pa kaže, da ga bodo v šolskem letu 2010/2011 šole še naprej intenzivno uporabljale.
Slovenski E-forum je namreč na včerajšnjem sestanku nacionalni koordinaciji vseevropskega tekmovanja U4Energy predstavil IUSES orodja. Nada Pavšer, ambasadorka tekmovanja v Sloveniji, in njena ekipa so IUSES pripomoček sprejeli kot dober vir znanja in informacij za šole.
Zelo verjetno je, da bo v naslednjih mesecih Slovenski E-forum predstavil IUSES orodja učiteljem, ki želijo sodelovati na tekmovanju. Nacionalna koordinacija namerava organizirati posebne delavnice, kjer bodo imele nevladne organizacije priložnost, da predstavijo svoje izkušnje s področja poučevanja za energetsko učinkovitost.
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The winners of European Energy Saving Award in Latvia
The European Energy Saving Award (EESA) is a constituent part of the European Project „Intelligent Use of Energy at school” with the idea to encourage schools and individual students to demontrate their interest and active participation in energy saving activities. The competition consists of two rounds- national level where participants with the best results are nominated for participation on European level. The interest of schools and students of Latvia was amasing: 17 schools had prepared and implemented energy saving plans, organised variuos awareness raising activities for students, parents and local society, competitions in their school. On individual level the students tried to save energy in everyday life, developing permanent habits and changing their behaviuor to more environment friendly one. In this category 53 applications were received. The students could demonstrante their understanding and creativity in video category where the jury had to evaluate 32 applications.
The winners:
School category- Malpils Secondary School,
Individual students category- Santa Sausa, Ozolnieki Secondary School
Multimedia category- Toms Taukulis, Eduards Lukso, Zane Apsa , Olaine Secondary School No1.
Jelgava State Gymnasium was awarded for their active involvment in the award: 28 students applied in individaul category and 11 projects in multimedija category. The school planted 17 000 trees during the competition period.
During the awarding ceremony the students were adressed by Jelgava City Vice Mayor- Mr Aigars Rublis, representatives from Latvenergo Energy efficiency centre, Zemgale Regional Energy Agency.
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EESA Awards Ceremony in Ireland
The CTC led European Energy Saving Awards were presented by the Irish Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, Batt O'Keeffe, TD in Cork Institute of Technology on October 4th, 2010. The Bord Gáis sponsored awards are part of the Intelligent Use of Energy at School initiative (IUSES).
In all, nine prizes were awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing in each category. In an excellent and very competitive contest, the students and schools in each grouping showed great understanding and knowledge of energy issues in their schools and homes and have achieved impressive energy savings through a wide range of wholehearted activities.
For full details of the event including the winners, .
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The Slovene Winning Schools Visited Renewable Energy Garden
Yesterday the 3 winning schools of the Slovene EESA competition have as an award visited The Renewable Energy Garten in Kötsche Mute in our neighbour country Austria.
We have decided for such an award as the Garden offers many opportunities to explore the use of renewable energy technologies. Students had the opportunity to race with solar cars, test electric bike and do all sorts of interesting and fun experiments. Before visiting the Garden, they have been taken to the mountains to see the wind power plant.
The pictures speak for themselves.
Watch the film here.
Zmagovalne šole obiskale Vrt obnovljivih virov energije
Včeraj so tri zmagovalne šole slovenskega dela Evropske nagrade za energetsko učinkovitost obiskale Vrt obnovljivih virov energije v kraju Koče Mute, Avstrija.
Za tovrstno nagrado smo se odločili zato, ker vrt ponuja številne možnosti za raziskovanje tehnologij za rabo obnovljivih virov energije. Dijaki so dirkali s solarnimi avtomobilčki, preizkusili električno kolo in narediti številne druge zanimive in zabavne poskuse. Poleg vrta so se odpeljali tudi višje v gore, kjer so si ogledali vetrno elektrarno.
Slike govorijo same zase.
Film si lahko ogledate tukaj.
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European Energy Saving Award - ITALIAN WINNERS
The Italian phase of the European Energy Savings Award has finally closed. The competition, addressed to national schools and individual students, has stirred up considerable enthusiasm and a significant degree of participation. The students have presented creative and smart projects, focused on the practical implementation of energy efficiency and energy saving measures for every-day life. The panel in charge of evaluating the projects was composed by: Susanna Tamaro (famous Italian writer and movie director), Antonio Lumicisi (on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment), Massimo Pinchera (communication director of Greenpeace Italy), Valentina Feletti (representative of the regional school office of Friuli Venezia Giulia) and Fabio Tomasi (project coordinator). The panel evaluated all the projects on the basis of several criteria, such as coherence, originality and replicability of the actions carried out in the framework of the relevant projects. After a tough assessment phase, the winners are:
1) SCHOOLS Category: I°: ‘Piano energetico della scuola (School energy plan)’ - ITSCG ‘A. Martini’of Castelfranco Veneto II°: ‘Progetto risparmio energetico 2010 (Energy saving 2010)’ - ‘ITSG ‘A. Palladio’ of Treviso III°: ‘A scuola di energia (Learning about energy at school)’- ITCGT ‘F.Galiani’ of Chieti
2) INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS Category: I°: ‘ecologicamente (Ecologically)’ – students: M. Pretto, A. Nicoletti e R. Cariolato del Liceo Scientifico Statale ‘Giovanni Battista Quadri’ of Vicenza. II°: ‘Il foto bus e il pc fotovoltaico (PV-bus and PV-PC)’, Classe III B Scienze Sociali, Liceo ‘Claudio Eliano’ of Rome.
3)VIDEO & MULTIMEDIA Category: I°: ‘La Minaccia (The threat)’ - of Liceo scientifico ‘Marinelli’ (UD) II°: ‘Sosteniamo l'ambiente (Let’s support the environment!)’ - of ITIS ‘Malignani’ (UD) III°: ‘Effetto Scatola (Cardboard-box effect)’ - of IMS ‘Percoto’ (UD)
The winners will be awarded during the final conference of the project, which will be held the 12th of November at AREA Science Park (Trieste).
European Energy Saving Award - VINCITORI ITALIANI
Si è conclusa la fase italiana dello European Energy Saving Award. Il concorso, rivolto a scuole e singoli studenti di tutta Italia, ha suscitato grande entusiasmo e partecipazione. Gli studenti hanno presentato progetti originali ed intelligenti sull’implementazione di misure per l’efficienza ed il risparmio energetico nella vita di tutti i giorni. La giuria che ha avuto il compito di valutare i concorrenti è composta : Susanna Tamaro (nota scrittrice), Antonio Lumicisi (Ministero dell’Ambiente), Massimo Pinchera (Greenpeace Italia), Valentina Feletti (Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Friuli Venezia Giulia) e Fabio Tomasi (coordinatore del progetto). I giurati hanno valutato i lavori sulla base di numerosi criteri quali la coerenza, l’originalità e la replicabilità delle azioni messe in atto. Dopo una difficile fase di valutazione, sono risultati vincitori i seguenti progetti:
1) Categoria SCUOLE: I° classificato : ‘Piano energetico della scuola’ - ITSCG ‘A. Martini’ di Castelfranco Veneto II° classificato : ‘Progetto risparmio energetico 2010’ - ‘ITSG ‘A. Palladio’ di Treviso III° classificato : ‘A scuola di energia’- ITCGT ‘F.Galiani’ di Chieti
2) Categoria STUDENTI INDIVIDUALI: I° classificato: ‘ecologicamente’ – studenti M. Pretto, A. Nicoletti e R. Cariolato del Liceo Scientifico Statale ‘Giovanni Battista Quadri’ di Vicenza. II° classificato: ‘Il fotobus e il pc fotovoltaico’, Classe III B Scienze Sociali, Liceo ‘Claudio Eliano’ di Roma.
3) Categoria VIDEO & MULTIMEDIA: I classificato: ‘La Minaccia’ - del Liceo scientifico ‘Marinelli’ (UD) II classificato: ‘Sosteniamo l'ambiente’ - dell’ITIS ‘Malignani’ (UD) III classificato: ‘Effetto Scatola’ - dell’IMS ‘Percoto’ (UD)
I vincitori verranno premiati nel corso della Conferenza finale del progetto che si terrà il 12 novembre presso il centro congressi di AREA Science Park.
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The 12th of November the final conference of the IUSES project will take place in Trieste. The event will be held at the AREA Science Park offices/headquarters, coordinator of the project.
During the conference the winners of the European Energy Saving Award (EESA) will be rewarded for each of the participating categories: schools, individual students and videos/multimedia. The projects rewarded will be valuated by a panel composed by: Martin Eibl project officer of the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI); Thomas Jansen important representative of the European Federalist Movement; Massimo Cirri, famous journalist/reporter and anchor men of the TV programme Caterpillar, promoter of the ‘M’illumino di meno’ initiative; Mauro Albrizio, vice-president of the European environmentalist association EU Environmental Bureau, which represents all the most important European environmental associations working in Europe; Sophie Aslanidou, in behalf of Euro School Net, a network grouping 31 European Ministries of the Education in Europe and one representative for each project participant.
The conference programme will be very rich and it will include several interventions: evidences of how the IUSES toolkit has been used by the teachers in the different participating countries, contributions of both scientific and educational authorities committed in the integration of energy saving measures at school. Several National and European educational authorities will be invited to take part to the event in order to promote the results reached by the IUSES project on a large scale, to encourage not only the use of the educational toolkit but also the importance of integrating the national didactic curricula of secondary schools students with the energy efficiency issues. During the conference besides the European award, will take place also the Italian and Slovenian award ceremonies.
In all the project partners offices it will be possible to follow the event on the web, as the entire conference will be transmitted live streaming. This will allow to the people who will not have the possibility to be in Trieste to follow the event live.
An interpreting service in Italian, English and Slovenian will be available to follow the conference for the whole day.
For any further information and for conference registration/participation please contact:
Fabio Tomasi, project coordinator - phone +39 040 375 5268 Manuela Masutti, manuela.masutti@area.trieste.it - phone +39 040 375 5297
To download the detailed programme of the conference .
La conférence finale IUSES est organisée le 12 novembre à Trieste et sera accueillie dans les locaux d’AREA Science Park, coordinateur du projet.
Les gagnants européens du concours d’économie d’énergie (EESA) seront nominés lors de cette conférence selon leur catégorie : établissements, élèves, supports multimédias.
Les projets récompensés seront évalués par un panel d’acteurs : Martin Eibl, Project Officer de l’Agence Executive pour la Compétitivité et l‘Innovation (EACI); Thomas Jansen représentant du Mouvement Fédéraliste Européen; Massimo Cirri, grand journaliste/reporter et présentateur du programme Télévisé Caterpillar, à l’origine de l’initiative ‘M’illumino di meno’; Mauro Albrizio, vice-président de l’association européenne environnementale EU Environmental Bureau, qui représente quasiment l’ensemble des association environnementale européenne; Sophie Aslanidou, représentante de Euro School Net, un réseau regroupant 31 ministères européens de l’éducation et un représentant pour chaque participant.
Le programme de la conférence est riche d’interventions : les utilisations du kit IUSES par les professeurs, comment il a été utilisé dans les différents pays, les contributions des autorités éducatives et scientifiques à l’intégration des mesures d’économies d’énergie dans les écoles. Plusieurs autorités nationales et européennes seront invitées à participer afin de promouvoir les résultats atteints par le projet sur une plus grande échelle et encourager, non seulement l’utilisation du Kit IUSES, mais aussi pour insister sur l’importance d’intégrer l’efficacité énergétique dans le programme d’éducation nationale.
Pendant cet évènement, en plus des remises de prix Européens, les Italiens et les Slovènes remettront leurs prix nationaux à leurs vainqueurs.
Dans tous les bureaux des partenaires du projet, il sera possible de suivre l’évènement sur le web puisque la conférence sera filmée et retransmise en direct en streaming. Cela permettra aux personnes ne pouvant pas se rendre à Trieste de suivre l’évènement.
Un service d’interprétation en anglais, italien et slovène sera disponible toute la journée.
Pour plus d’informations et pour vous inscrire à la conférence, n’hésitez pas à contacter:
Fabio Tomasi, coordinateur du projet - téléphone +39 040 375 5268
Manuela Masutti, manuela.masutti@area.trieste.it - téléphone +39 040 375 5297
Pour télécharger le programme détaillé de la conférence .
conferenza finale
Il 12 novembre prossimo si terrà a Trieste la conferenza finale del progetto IUSES. L’evento avrà luogo presso la sede di AREA Science Park, ente coordinatore del progetto.
Nell’ambito della conferenza verranno premiati anche i vincitori dello European Energy Saving Award (EESA) – Europa, per ognuna delle tre categorie: scuole, singoli e multimedia. I lavori premiati saranno valutati da una giuria composta da: Martin Eibl Project Officer dell’Agenzia per la competitività ed innovazione (EACI); Thomas Jansen autorevole rappresentante del Movimento Federalista Europeo; Massimo Cirri, noto giornalista e conduttore della trasmissione Catarpillar oltre che promotore dell’iniziativa ‘M’Illumino di Meno’; Mauro Albrizio, vice presidente dell’associazione ambientalista europea EU Environmental Bureau che rappresenta le maggiori associazioni ambientaliste operanti in Europa; Sofia Aslanidou, rappresentante di Euro School Net, network che riunisce i rappresentanti di 31 Ministeri dell’Educazione in Europa, e un rappresentante di tutte le organizzazioni partecipanti al progetto.
Il programma della conferenza sarà molto ricco e comprenderà tra i numerosi interventi, varie testimonianze di come il kit didattico di IUSES sia stato usato dagli insegnanti nei vari Paesi europei, oltre che contributi di autorità scolastiche e scientifiche che hanno integrato misure di efficienza energetica nel mondo scolastico. Verranno poi presentati i vincitori degli award nazionali dei Paesi aderenti a IUSES e premiati i vincitori degli award nazionali italiani e sloveni.
Saranno invitate a prender parte della conferenza anche autorità scolastiche europee ed italiane, in modo tale da promuovere, sulla base dei risultati raggiunti da IUSES, l’utilizzo del kit didattico del progetto e più in generale incentivare l’integrazione dell’insegnamento dell’efficienza energetica nei curriculum e nei percorsi didattici degli istituti superiori.
Grazie ad un servizio di interpretariato presente per l’intera giornata, sarà possibile seguire la conferenza in italiano, inglese e sloveno.
Per maggiori informazioni e per partecipare all’evento contattare:
Fabio Tomasi, coordinatore del progetto 040 375 5268
Manuela Masutti, manuela.masutti@area.trieste.it 040 375 5297
Per scaricare il programma dettagliato della conferenza .
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Report on the IUSES test phase available
The test phase of the IUSES project is over. The IUSES tool kit has been tested in 12 European countries in the previous months and now the analysis of the feedback collected from teachers and students has been completed and a report (freely available in the download section of the web site) drafted. The IUSES tool kit is under revision according to the suggestion collected and the final version will be available by the end of October 2010.
Докладът от етапа за тестване на образователния пакет IUSES е на разположение
Етапът за тестване на образователния пакет IUSES завърши. Образователният IUSES пакет е тестван в 12 европейски страни в предходните месеци. Анализът на събраната от учители и ученици обратна информация е завършен и докладът (свободно достъпен за изтегляне от сайта на проекта) е представен в чернови вариант. Образователният IUSES пакет е в процес на преразглеждане според събраните предложения, като окончателната версия ще бъде достъпна до края на месец октомври 2010 г.
Report zur IUSES Testphase erhältlich
Die Testphase des Projektes IUSES ist abgeschlossen. Das IUSES Toolkit wurde in den vergangenen Monaten in 12 Europäischen Ländern getestet, und nun ist die Analyse aller Feedbacks, die von LehrerInnen und SchülerInnen eingeholt wurden, komplett und in einem Report zusammengefasst worden (). Das IUSES Toolkit wird unter Berücksichtigung der eingeholten Empfehlungen überarbeitet, und die Endversion wird mit Ende Oktober 2010 erhältlich sein.
Disponible el Informe sobre la fase de test de IUSES
La fase de test del proyecto IUSES ha terminado. El kit de herramientas IUSES ha sido probado en 12 países europeos durante los meses anteriores y la analisis de las aportaciones de profesores y estudiantes ha sido completada y redactado un informe ). El kit de herramientas IUSES se está revisando según las sugerencias recogidas y la versión final estará disponible a final de octubre 2010.
Rapport de la phase de test de l’outil IUSES disponible
La phase de test du projet IUSES est terminée. La boîte à outils pédagogiques IUSES a été testée dans 12 pays européens en 2010 et l’analyse des retours collectés auprès des enseignants et des étudiants a été réalisée. Un rapport est maintenant disponible . La boîte à outils IUSES est en cours de révision afin de répondre aux suggestions collectées et la version finale sera disponible d'ici la fin de Octobre 2010.
Έκθεση για τη δοκιμαστική περίοδο του IUSES
Η δοκιμαστική περίοδος του έργου IUSES ολοκληρώθηκε. Το εκπαιδευτικό πακέτο του IUSES δοκιμάστηκε τους προηγούμενους μήνες σε 12 ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, η ανάλυση των απόψεων των καθηγητών και των μαθητών έχει ολοκληρωθεί και (η σχετική έκθεση είναι διαθέσιμη στην ιστοσελίδα του έργου). Το εκπαιδευτικό πακέτο του IUSES θα αναθεωρηθεί σύμφωνα με τις προτάσεις που έχουν συλλεχθεί και η τελική έκδοση του θα είναι διαθέσιμη στο τέλος του Οκτωβρίου 2010.
Il rapporto sulla fase sperimentale del progetto IUSES è ora disponibile
Dopo mesi di sperimentazione del kit IUSES da parte di insegnanti e docenti di 12 diversi paesi europei la fase sperimentale del progetto IUSES è terminata. Il feedback di insegnanti e studenti è stato analizzato ed un report (in inglese) è ora liberamente disponibile nella sezione download del sito. Il kit educativo IUSES è ora in fase di revisione sulla base dei feedback raccolti e la versione finale sarà resa disponibile per la fine di ottobre 2010.
Pārskats par projekta IUSES pilotposmu
IUSES projekta pilotposms ir noslēdzies. Vairāku mēnešu garumā tika pilotēti IUSES metodiskie materiāli 12 Eiropas valstīs, tika savāktas un analizētas skolotāju un skolēnu atsauksmes un izveidots pārskats IUSES metodiskie materiāli tiek uzlaboti, ņemot vērā skolotāju un skolēnu ierosinājumus un uzlabotais variants būs pieejams 2010 gada oktobra beigās.
Verslag over de IUSES testfase beschikbaar
De testfase van het IUSES project is afgelopen. De IUSES toolkit is de afgelopen maanden in 12 Europese landen getest. Er is feedback verzameld van leraren en leerlingen en daarvan is een verslag gemaakt . De IUSES toolkit wordt op het moment aangepast op basis van de verzamelde suggesties. De definitieve versie is eind oktober 2010 beschikbaar.
Raportul pentru faza de testare a proiectului IUSES este disponibil
Faza de testare din cadrul proiectului IUSES a fost terminată.Kitul experimental IUSES a fost testat in lunile anterioare in 12 ţări europene şi pe baza răspunsurilor colectate de la profesori şi elevi a fost intocmit un raport . Kitul experimental IUSES este in revizie conform cu sugestiile colectate şi va fi disponibil in forma finală la sfârşitul lunii Octombrie 2010.
Poročilo o testiranju IUSES orodij že na spletu
Testna faza projekta IUSES je zaključena. V zadnjih mesecih je IUSES orodja preizkusilo 12 evropskih držav, analiza odzivov, ki so jih prispevali učitelji in dijaki, je predstavljena v poročilu . IUSES orodja so sedaj v fazi nadgradnje, pri kateri bomo upoštevali predloge šol, končna verzija pa bo na voljo konec oktobra 2010.
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The winners of Slovene contest
The results of Slovene part of the European Energy saving award are known. The full list of the awarded projects is available . The first places go to:
- Category schools: Helena Lazar and Damjan Štrus from Litija for the successful implementation of the Energy saving plan
- Category students: Blaž Celarc and Alen Koso from Ljubljana for their Intelligent controll of lighting
- Category videos: Klemen Berus with his friends Zala Košak, Anže Mraz, Ambrož Pušnik and Peter Rangus from Novo mesto for video The Noise
All three of them go on to the European level. We wish them luck, congratulate to all the winners and thank all the students and teachers who have participated at the contest. Every one of them will receive the recognition of participation.
Zmagovalci slovenskega dela tekmovanja
Zmagovalci slovenskega dela tekmovanja so znani. Celoten seznam nagrajencev se nahaja . Prva mesta so si prislužili:
Kategorija šole: Helena Lazar in Damjan Štrus iz Gimnazije Litija za uspešno načrtovanje in izvedbo varčevanja z energijo na svoji šoli
Kategorija dijaki: Blaž Celarc in Alen Koso iz Elektrotehniško - računalniške strokovne šole in gimnazije Ljubljana za Inteligentno krmljenje razsvetljave
Kategorija video: Klemen Berus in njegovi sošolci - Zala Košak, Anže Mraz, Ambrož Pušnik in Peter Rangus – iz Gimnazije Novo mesto za film Zvok
Vsi trije gredo naprej na evropski nivo. Želimo jim srečo, čestitamo vsem zmagovalcem in se zahvaljujemo vsem dijakom in profesorjem, ki so sodelovali na tekmovanju. Vsi sodelujoči bodo prejeli potrdilo o sodelovanju.
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Bucharest School Inspectorate, in partnership with the Polytechnic University of Bucharest organized the national phase of the European Energy Saving Award. The award was addressed to students, teachers and to all those concerned with energy saving problems. The contest was developed in the framework of the European project IUSES (Intelligent use of energy at Schools).
The IUSES project presents to the high school students the main principles of energy efficiency together with a complete energy saving guide which provides an overview towards energy efficiency in industry and energy consumption in society. The event, which took place from 3 to 5 June at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Rectorate – BN hallway), entailed the following activities: presentation of the works realized by students from 15 Bucharest high schools participating in the IUSES project, followed by the award ceremony.
The official opening of the event took place on June 3, at 1.00 pm.
For additional information the contact person is Mateiciuc Cristiana, European programs inspector (phone number: +40 0721331459).
Press Office of the Bucharest School Inspectorate.
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Municipiului Bucureşti organizează, în parteneriat cu Universitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Faza Naţională a Concursului European de Economisire a Energiei (EESA), eveniment dedicat elevilor, cadrelor didactice, precum şi tuturor celor preocupaţi de problematica economisirii energiei. Concursul se desfăşoară în cadrul Proiectului European "Utilizarea inteligentă a energiei în şcoli" (IUSES.)
Proiectul European IUSES prezintă liceenilor principiile de bază ale eficienţei energetice, precum şi un ghid complet de economisire a energiei în viaţa lor zilnică, oferindule acestora o privire de ansamblu asupra eficienţei energetice în industrie şi o în ţelegere terneinică a consumurilor de energie în societate.
Manifestarea, care urmează a avea loc în perioada 3-5 iunie 2010, la Universitatea Politehnică Bucureşti (Bucuresti, Rectorat - Holul Corpului BN), propune următoarele activităţi: expoziţia lucrărilor realizate de elevii a 15 licee bucureştene în cadrul proiectului IUSES, prezentarea lucrărilor, urmată de festivitatea de premiere.
Deschiderea oficialaă evenimentului va avea loc în data de 3 iunie, la ora 13.00.
Informaţii suplimentare, inspector pentru programe europene I.S.M.B., MATEICIUC CRISTIANA, telefon - 0721331459.
Broul de presa al inspectoratului şcolar al municipiului Bucureşti
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The Results of the Slovene Testing
Very interesting and comprehensive. For some too technical, for the others not technical enough. The box is very useful, but some find it more appropriate for the primary schools. A useful and fun tool that can be used in the curriculum but also at home.
This is a summary of how the students and the teacher have evaluated the handbooks, the animations and the box of IUSES experiments. The testing was done on 17 schools and took place from January till May 2010.
The tools will be now improved by the authors - international team of energy and environmental organisations that participate in IUSES - and re-burned on the DVD that all the secondary schools will receive at the end of 2010.
Rezultati preizkušanja IUSES orodij
Zelo zanimivo in obsežno. Za nekatere preveč, za druge premalo tehnično. Škatla s poskusi je zelo zanimiva, nekateri učitelji pa menijo, da je bolj primerna za osnovne šole. Uporabni in zabavni učni pripomočki za šolsko in domačo rabo.
To je povzetek tega, kako dijaki in profesorji ocenjujejo IUSSES učne pripomočke. Pri preizkušanju je sodelovalo 17 srednjih šol, potekalo pa je od januarja do maja 2010.
Avtorji – predstavniki organizacij, ki sodelujejo pri projektu IUSES – bodo vsa učna orodja sedaj popravili in prilagodili, potem pa jih ponovno zapekli na DVD, ki ga bodo konec leta 2010 prejele vse slovenske srednje šole.
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Latvia: Students learn about energy efficiency
On February 18, 2010 the secondary school students from all Jelgava schools had a possibility to learn about energy production, new developments of insulation and building materials, effective domestic and electric appliances, alternative transport and solar energy.
During the first part of the day there was a competition for the teams of students. The city Meyer Mr. Andris Ravins in his opening speech stressed the importance of the measures to stop pollution and the efficient ways of using energy in every day life. Ten teams competed for the prizes doing the tasks prepared by the companies working in this sphere, eg. how to calculate the energy efficiency of an oven, analyse the characteristics and the use of insulation and building materials and many others. The organizers would like to thank the companies participating in the competition and introducing the new energy efficient equipment, alternative transport-segway and e-bicycle and solar panels. The schools participating in the competition received experimental tool kit developed in the project IUSES to do experiments about energy efficiency, energy saving and renewable energy.
During the second part of the day the companies demonstrated their production and gave consultations about their use to the inhabitants of Jelgava.
The competition was organised by youth themselves, youth organisation „Young leaders”
You can see more pictures about he event: http://imgsrc.ru/edis/17007491.html
Jelgava: Energoefektivitātes diena
2010.gada 18. februārī Jelgavas reģionālajā Pieaugušo izglītības centrā (JRPIC) notika Energoefektivitātes diena, kuru organizēja JRPIC jauniešu atbalsta grupa „Jaunie līderi”.
Visā pasaulē ir aktuāla tēma par dabas resursiem, kurus izmanto enerģijas iegūšanai, to taupīšanu un ietekmi uz apkārtējo vidi. Tāpēc arī Jelgavas jaunieši vēlas iesaistīties enerģijas lietderīgā izmantošanā, pievērst sabiedrības uzmanību energoefektivitātes jautājumiem, popularizējot inovatīvas tehnoloģijas, kuras ir pieejamas Latvijas tirgū. Energoefektivitātes dienas pirmajā daļā notika konkurss 10. klašu skolēniem. Uzrunājot konkursa dalībniekus pilsētas mērs Andris Rāviņš uzsvēra enerģijas taupīšanas pasākumu nozīmi ikdienas dzīvē. Pasākumā piedalījās 10 dažādas firmas un organizācijas no visas Latvijas, kuras nodarbojas ar enerģijas taupīšanu, alternatīvo enerģijas ieguves līdzekļu, dabai draudzīgu un enerģijas taupošu tehniku ražošanu un izplatīšanu Latvijas tirgū: SIA Ambergs, SIA PLAZA, SIA JTS, SIA Baltic Europart, Bezizmešu mobilitātes atbalsta biedrība, RTU Robotikas klubs, Latvenergo Energoefektivitātes centrs, Zemgales reģionālā Enerģētikas aģentūra, SIA SCHUCO Latvija, LLU Tehniskā fakultātes Lauksaimniecības enerģētikas institūts.
Katra iestāde sagatavoja uzdevumu skolēniem, kas bija orientēti uz skolēnu praktiskām zināšanām. Skolēniem bija jādomā, kā, piemēram, aprēķināt plīts virsmas efektivitāti, noteikt siltumizolācijas materiālu īpašības un pielietošanas iespējas, veikt strāvas un sprieguma mērījumus, zināt par CO2 izmešu daudzumu un atbildēt uz citiem jautājumiem. Komandu paveikto darbu vērtēja eksperti.
Tāpat klātesošie varēja vērot Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Robotikas kluba un Bezizmešu mobilitātes atbalsta biedrības demonstrējumus.
Pasākumu noslēdza tā otrā daļa, kas bija paredzēta visiem pilsētas iedzīvotājiem un viesiem, kas varēja saņemt izsmeļošu informāciju, kā var samazināt ūdens, siltuma un elektroenerģijas patēriņu.
Vairāk foto var skatīt: http://imgsrc.ru/edis/17007491.html
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EESA International Award – You can submit your preliminary application until February 8th!
The deadline to submit the pre-registration forms for the EESA Award in Italy has been postponed for all categories (schools, individual or groups of students, video and multimedia products).
If you have not applied yet, you’ve still got a few days available to do so! What are you waiting for?
Premio Internazionale EESA – E’ possibile pre-iscriversi fino all’8 febbraio!
E’ stata prorogata per l’Italia la data di scadenza per la presentazione dei moduli di pre-iscrizione al concorso internazionale EESA per le scuole, studenti individuali o gruppi di studenti e per i video e le produzioni multimediali.
Se non avete ancora provveduto, rimane ancora qualche giorno! Cosa aspettate?
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EESA Award in Italy: new deadline to submit preliminary applications
To meet the many requests received, the team responsible for the EESA Award for Italy decided to postpone the deadline for the submission of preliminary applications to the 30th January 2010.
For any further information, please contact the IUSES team at info@iuses.eu or over the phone at +39 040 375 5268/5297.
Premio EESA: nuova scadenza per la presentazione delle manifestazioni di interesse
In seguito alle numerose richieste, il team responsabile per la gestione del concorso per l’Italia ha stabilito di prorogare la scadenza per la presentazione delle domande di preregistrazione per la partecipazione al giorno 30 gennaio 2010.
Per qualunque ulteriore informazione, gli interessati si possono rivolgere via mail all’indirizzo info@iuses.eu oppure contattare i numeri +39 040 375 5268/5297.
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Visit of ANME and Tunisian education ministry
Prioriterre welcomed in December a visit from the congregation of Tunisian education ministry and ANME (equivalent of ADEME here in France).
2 representatives from ANME and 3 representatives from the Tunisian education ministry were visiting prioriterre in the frame of exchange of experience. They were presented a lot of different animation and educational programs we developed locally.
Prioriterre presented them the IUSES project, the 4 manuals for teachers and students and the experimental kit. They were very excited to know that the documents will be available for free on the website of iuses.eu, to study them properly and eventually propose them in their country.
Visite de l’ANME et du ministère de l’éducation Tunisien
Prioriterre a accueillit les 15 et 16 décembre la visite de la délégation tunisienne de l’ANME (équivalent de l’ADEME) et du ministère de l’éducation tunisien. Deux représentants de l’ANME et 3 représentants du ministère de l’éducation ont visité prioriterre dans le cadre d’un échange d’expériences et de formation. Différents programmes d’animation et d’éducation leur ont été présentés.
Prioriterre a présenté en autre le projet IUSES. Ils ont été très intéressés de savoir que ces documents seraient disponibles gratuitement sur le site www.iuses.eu pour les examiner de retour en Tunisie.
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IUSES Teacher Seminars and EESA Award Launch Press Conference in Romania
Teacher Seminars
A total of three IUSES teacher seminars were held in Bucharest Romania at „Ion Creanga‰ high school on October 26, November 9 and November 23. Each seminar focused on a specific handbook developed within the project, as follows: first seminar - Building Handbook, second seminar ˆ Transport Handbook and on the third seminar ˆ Industry handbook.
Within these seminars, other topics like the IUSES experimental kit, the IUSES multimedia DVD, project management and implementation, methodological aspects for teachers and teaching with the help of an e-learning platform were also presented with a great deal of practical examples of how they can be used and/or implemented.
At the last seminar, the teachers were required to take an evaluation test in order to receive a diploma certifying that they are able to teach energy efficiency and use all the materials developed within the IUSES project.
The seminars were very popular, the hall in which they took place barely accomodating the average number of teachers (arround 100 teachers). A total of 19 high schools had representatives at the seminars and, with the help of more dissemination activities (and the Romanian Teachers Association), arround 40 high schools are expected to participate in the project.
All materials regarding the teacher seminars: programmes, powerpoint presentations, video footage, pictures and notes are available on the Romanian IUSES management website: www.iuses.ro.
Press Conference
The EESA Award launch Press Conference was held on the 14th of December at Ion Creanga high school. A great deal of local and national media representatives were present at the event. Among these, the following are worth mentioning Ager Press (the main press agency in Romania), Realitatea FM (an important Radio) and "Tribuna Invatamantului" (the main education journal in Romania).
The main goal of the press conference was to present an outline of the EESA competition together with the registration forms and eligibility conditions. The experimental kits and teacher seminar completion diplomas were also distributed at this event.
Coverage of this event is available on the Ager Press Romanian News Agency website: www.agerpres.ro.
Seminariile pentru profesorii din cadrul proiectului IUSES şi conferinta de presa pentru lansarea in România a concursului EESA
Seminariile pentru profesori
Un total de trei seminarii IUSES pentru profesori s-au desfäşurat la Bucureşti,România la liecul Ion Creangä pe 26 octombrie, 9 noiembrie şi 23 noiembrie. Fiecare seminar s-a axat pe un manual specifice, dezvoltat în cadrul proiectului, dupä cum urmeazä: primul seminar ˆ Manual pentru constructii, al doilea seminar - Manual pentru transport şi pentru cel de-al treilea seminar ˆ manual pentru Industrie.
În cadrul acestor seminarii, au fost prezentate si alte subiecte cum ar fi : seturile experimentale IUSES, IUSES multimedia dvd, managementul de proiect şi punerea sa în aplicare, aspecte metodologice şi de predare pentru profesori cu ajutorul unei platforme de e-learning, au fost prezentate ,de asemenea multe exemple practice privitoare la modul în care acestea pot fi utilizate şi / sau puse în aplicare.
In cadrul ultimului seminar, profesorii au trebuit sä dea un test de evaluare pentru a primi o diplomä care sä ateste cä sunt în mäsurä sä predea materii legate de eficienţa energeticä şi sä utilizeze toate materialele folosite în cadrul proiectului IUSES.
Seminariile au fost foarte populare, în sala în care acestea au avut loc abia incapand numärul mediu de cadre didactice (circa 100 profesori). Un total de 19 de licee au avut reprezentanţi la seminarii şi, cu ajutorul unor activitäţi de promovare (şi Asociatiei Profesorilor Românä), in jur de 40 de licee sunt aşteptaţe sä participe la acest proiect.
Toate materialele referitoare la seminariile profesorilor: programe, prezentäri PowerPoint, înregisträri video, imagini şi insemnari sunt disponibile pe websitul român IUSES: www.iuses.ro.
Conferinta de presa
Conferinţa de presä pentru lansarea concursului EESA a avut loc pe 14 decembrie, la liceul Ion Creangä . Numerosi , reprezentanţi ai mass-media locale şi naţionale au fost prezenti la eveniment. Printre acestea, se remarca urmatoarele Ager Press (principala agenţie de presä din România), Realitatea FM (un radio important) şi „Tribuna învatamântului‰ (principalul editorial de educaţiei din România).
Scopul principal al conferintei de presa a fost prezentarea unei schiţe a concursului EESA, împreunä cu formularele de înregistrare şi condiţiile de eligibilitate. Kiturile experimentale şi diplomele pentru profesorii ce au absolvit seminarul au fost de asemenea distribuite la acest eveniment.
Informatii despre acest eveniment sunt disponibile pe website-ul agenţiei Ager Press: www.agerpres.ro.
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The experimental kits reach their destinations
The experimental kits produced for IUSES have reached all the secondary school teachers that took part to the training course that were held in the partners' various countries.
In Italy, the course took place last September in AREA Science Park.
Immaginario Scientifico (IS) confirms with satisfaction that the 500 kits produced have reached the 12 European partners. There will soon also be a feedback from the schools that are testing it, with comments from students from the various countries.
In each kit IS' experts included:
- a photovoltaic panel
- 6 panels made of thermal-insulation building material (Stiferite)
- a digital thermometer
- an incandescent light bulb with support
- a red LED with support
- a solar energy mill
- a power consumption device
- 4 small cables with crocodile clips
The thermal-insulation material has been freely supplied by Stiferite S.r.l., a company from Padua specialized in the production of material for buildings' thermal-insulation, very sensitive to the educational and dissemination aspects of its activity.
Following the experimental kit is the dispatch of the multimedia dvd containing the animations, the handbooks and the excercises on the three major themes of the project (buildings, industry and transport). Through this device, students will be able to make virtual experiences on energy saving issues.
Sono arrivati a destinazione i kit per gli esperimenti
I kit per gli esperimenti creati per il progetto IUSES sono stati ricevuti da tutti i docenti che hanno partecipato ai corsi di formazione tenutisi nei vari paesi europei di provenienza dei partner del progetto e dedicati agli insegnanti delle scuole superiori di secondo grado.
In Italia il corso si è svolto nel settembre scorso a Trieste presso AREA Science Park.
L’IS (Immaginario Scientifico) di Trieste conferma con soddisfazione il successo dell’operazione che ha riguardato l’invio di 500 kit a 12 partner europei.
A breve avremo anche i primi feedback sugli utilizzi nelle scuole di pertinenza e qualche commento sulle esperienze in classe nei vari paesi.
In ogni scatola gli esperti dell’Immaginario Scientifico hanno inserito:
- un pannello fotovoltaico
- 6 pannelli costituiti da materiale edile termoisolante (Stiferite)
- un termometro digitale
- una lampadina incandescente con supporto
- un LED rosso con supporto
- un mulino a energia solare
- un misuratore di consumo di corrente elettrica
- 4 cavetti con morsetti a coccodrillo
Il materiale termoisolante è stato fornito a titolo gratuito dalla ditta “Stiferite” di Padova, specializzata nella produzione di materiali per l'edilizia destinati all'isolamento termico degli edifici e molto sensibile all'aspetto educativo e divulgativo della propria attività.
All’invio del kit farà seguito quello dei DVD multimediali che contengono le animazioni, i manuali e gli esercizi dedicati ai 3 temi principali sviluppati all'interno del progetto (edifici, industrie, trasporti) e attraverso il quale gli studenti potranno procedere direttamente a fare esperienze virtuali legate al tema del risparmio energetico.
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IUSES presentation at Childrens Palace Bucharest
The IUSES project was presented in a Solar Energy convention, "Energiile Regenerabile - Viitorul Energetic al Copiilor nostri", hosted by SUNE in the Childrens Palace of Bucharest on the second of octomber. The audience was composed of high school and secondary school students and they were very enthusiastic about energy efficiency and how they can improve it in their school. Pictures of this event are available at this .
Also, with the help of SUNE president, Mrs. Manuela Draghicescu, we hope to gain more sponsors for the national EESA prizes.
The first teacher seminar was held at Ion Creanga Highschool on the 26th of October.
The main subject of the seminar was building energy efficiency and experiments to be carried out by teachers and students, and, the communication and colaboration platform for e-learning (Moodle) implemented at (the teachers were enthusiastic about it), and other course and project management issues.
The written feedback collected from the teachers about the seminar and the project in general was positive. Although we expected around 60 teachers to participate in the first seminar, we were astonished to see that 93 teachers were present at the seminar (we had to find a lot of chairs). We would like to show our deepest appreciation to Mrs. Corina Stanescu from Ion Creanga highschool and Mrs. Dana Moraru from Gheorghe Lazar highschool for helping us organize this seminar and for their contributions to the seminar, especially those regarding project management and implementation. Photos from this event are available at the following . Presentations and other materials that relate to this seminar are downloadable from IUSES web site.
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Spain training sessions for teachers
The Spanish course for teachers took place on October 22 – 26 and 28. Three days devoted to presenting the several parts of the IUSES didactic material, its different possible educational approaches and daily application in school. At the same time teachers received a useful update on energy technical issues and case study information about school energy auditing conducted by CIRCE researchers. Moreover teachers enjoyed the visit to the CIRCE bioclimatic building, where to touch with hands systems and technologies and design for energy efficiency and saving. 35 teachers from 30 schools took part in the course and will benefit from the CIRCE consultancy and monitoring service during the school year. The next course is set for the 26th of April 2010, with the objective to exchange experience among teachers and get useful suggestions for the improvement of the IUSES didactic material.
Curso para profesores en España
El curso para profesores tuvo lugar durante los días 22, 26 y 28 de octubre. Tres días dedicados a la presentación del material didáctico IUSES y sus posibles enfoques y aplicaciones educativas. Al mismo tiempo los profesores pudieron actualizar sus conocimientos técnicos sobre temas energéticos, y conocer datos concretos de auditorías energéticas en centros de educación llevadas a cabo por investigadores del CIRCE.
Además, se realizó una visita guiada al nuevo edificio CIRCE, construido según principios de bioclimática y eficiencia energética.
35 profesores desde 30 centros educativos participaron en el curso. Todos ellos podrán beneficiarse de la asesoría y apoyo del CIRCE a lo largo del año escolar.
El próximo día de curso se realizará el 26 de abril 2010, con el objetivo de intercambiar experiencias entre profesores y obtener consejos para mejorar el material didáctico IUSES.
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The Slovene contest is open
The Slovene contest for European Energy saving Award is open. All the secondary school teachers and students are invited to save the energy these year and participate at the contest.
All the information is available .
Tekmovanje za Evropsko nagrado za energetsko učinkovitost je odprto
Danes smo na Slovenskem E-forumu odprli tekmovanje za Evropsko nagrado za energetsko učinkovitost. Dijaki in profesorji srednjih šol, vabljeni, da letos varčujete in se nam pridružite na tekmovanju.
Podrobne informacije so vam na voljo .
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IUSES and EGS together for energy efficiency
October 9-2009, IUSES participated in the ‘ENERGY SCHOOLS TERRITORY- Best practice’ workshop in Schio (VI), organized within the European project EGS- Energy Education Governance Schools. On the occasion the IUSES handbooks and animations were presented. The IUSES training marterial excited the interest of teachers and students attending the event. The two projects are developing an active and useful cooperation to enhance the involvement and number of schools and local communities working to improve energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.
IUSES ed EGS insieme per l’efficienza energetica
IUSES ha partecipato il 9 ottobre 2009 al workshop: ‘ ENERGIA SCUOLE TERRITORIO - Buona pratiche’, organizzato nell’ambito del progetto europeo EGS- Energy Education Governance Schools a Schio (VI). In un intervento di presentazione sono stati illustrati i manuali e le animazioni di IUSES che hanno riscosso l’interesse dei numerosi insegnanti e studenti presenti. I due progetti continuano la loro proficua e attiva collaborazione per scuole e comunità locali in prima linea sui temi efficienza energetica e diffusione delle energie rinnovabili.
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IUSES and the ‘Researchers’ Night’
In Trieste the night lit up with ideas and curiosity for science, astronomy, the environment and energy efficiency. September 25 – 2009, IUSES took part in PROSIT, the event organized in Trieste in the ‘Reaserchers’night’ framework promoted by the European Commission in all the European countries. Every year though this event, research institutions and researchers meet the general public. This year in particular the Trieste research system open to show itself to the city through different events, shows, concerts, ‘live experiments’, lectures, exhibitions, guided tours and open laboratories. IUSES and its project kit for experiments and multimedia animations were among the protagonists of the ‘street laboratories’. Teenagers and teachers but also parents, grandparents and children alike were surprised and amused seeing how a photovoltaic panel works and guessing the consumption of different domestic appliances of common daily use in the IUSES virtual house.
IUSES e la ‘Notte dei Ricercatori’
A Trieste la notte si è accesa di idee e curiosità per scienza, l’astronomia, l’ambiente e l’efficienza energetica. IUSES ha partecipato il 25 settembre 2009 a , l’evento che ha dato vita a Trieste alla ‘Notte dei Ricercatori’, evento promosso dalla Commissione europea in tutti i Paesi dell'Unione Europea. Ogni anno grazie a quest’iniziativa istituti di ricerca e ricercatori si danno appuntamento per incontrare il grande pubblico. Quest’anno il sistema della ricerca triestino ha voluto presentarsi al alla città con tutta una serie di eventi, spettacoli, concerti, esperimenti dal vivo, conferenze, mostre, visite guidate e laboratori aperti. IUSES con il suo kit di esperimenti e animazioni è stato tra i protagonisti. Ragazzi, insegnanti, ma anche genitori, nonni e bambini hanno osservato stupiti e divertiti come funziona un pannello fotovoltaico e la simulazione sui consumi della casa virtuale e provato ad indovinare quanto consumano gli elettrodomestici che usiamo ogni giorno.
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French training sessions in France
The French course for teachers took place on the 30th September in the Maison pour la PLanète, prioriterre office and 14th October in Annemasse The course was opened to the teachers already registered in june 2009 to the IUSES project. Nevertheless new teachers registered until the last week before the training starts. 19 teachers and 2 technical staff from 7 schools participated to the training. 5 teachers were registered but couldn’t be present. Another session is foreseen after Christmas holiday to help teachers with the EESA Some technical teachers said that the courses corresponds exactly to the educational program of technical shools! Good news!!
La formation des professeurs en France
Les sessions de formation des professeurs en France ont eu lieu le 30 septembre à la Maison pour la Planète, les bureaux de prioriterre et le 14octobre à Annemasse. Les formations étaient ouvertes aux professeurs et écoles inscrites en juin 2009. Cependant de nouveaux professeurs se sont inscrits jusqu’à une semaine avant la première session 19 professeurs et 2 techniciens de 7 écoles différentes ont participé aux cours. 5 professeurs inscrits n’ont finalement pas pu prendre part à la formation. Une autre session sera organisée à la rentrée des vacances de Noel pour aider les professeurs à la mise en place du concours D’autre part, les professeurs de classes technologique nous ont dit que le programme iuses correspondait complètement au programme d’éducation de l’année ! Très bonne nouvelle donc !
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Czech Republic: energy efficient schools compete for prizes
ENVIROS, Ltd., the Czech partner of the IUSES Project – Intelligent Use of Energy at School, organised the press release at 30th September 2009. The main reason of this event was to inform public about the project idea- to educate and make aware students from secondary schools about energy efficiency in everyday life. During this school year 2009-2010 any teenager or school can participate in European Energy Saving Award where all participants can send their application forms till 15th December 2009. At 10th November 2009 there is organised one-day special workshop for teachers in ENVIROS premises. During this workshop three new handbooks will be presented- all three are focused on energy savings in industry, buildings and transport and Teachers Guide, which could help teachers by dissemination of the idea. As a bonus every teacher will receive free of charge a tool-kit which can help by experiments to demonstrate some energy saving effects. More details about the project are permanently updated on project web-side, where will be soon activated also some interactive animations connected with energy savings.
Česká republika: školy s dobrou energetickou účinností soutěží o ceny
Dne 30. září 2009 uspořádala společnost ENVIROS, s.r.o. jako hlavní partner projektu za Českou republiku tiskovou konferenci k evropskému projektu IUSES – Intelligent Use of Energy at School. V rámci tiskové konference byl představen celý projekt IUSES, který je zaměřen na středoškolskou mládež a její výchovu v oblasti hospodaření s energií v každodenním životě. Hlavní cíl konference byl vyhlásit soutěž Evropská cena za úspory energie, která se týká právě studentů středních škol a bude probíhat ve školním roce 2009-2010. První kolo přihlášek bude uzavřeno 15. prosince 2009. Pro pedagogy je připraven jednodenní bezplatný seminář, který proběhne v sídle společnosti ENVIROS dne 10. listopadu 2009 a zúčastnění pedagogové se budou moci seznámit se třemi nově vzniklými učebnicemi, zaměřenými na energetické úspory v budovách, průmyslu a dopravě a s příručkou pro pedagogy. Dále obdrží bezplatně stavebnici, která slouží k praktickému ověření řady zajímavých pokusů. Vše o projektu naleznete na projektovém webu, kam jsou průběžně doplňovány důležité informace a kde budou spuštěny interaktivní animace k tématu energetických úspor.
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European Reaserchers’s night 2009
Friday, 25th September 2009, in Trieste will switch on the Researchers'night 2009: Prosit- project for Science in Trieste.
The event, promoted by the European Commission, will take place on the same date in 40 European cities, including 7 Italian towns.
IUSES will participate in the exhibition and will be present with a stand in Piazza Unità d’Italia (Experience Prosit stand).
Among different didactic games for children and teenagers, AREA organises three short didactic experiences on energy efficiency and photovoltaic energy.
You can register and participate in the showings at 17.30 - 19.30 e 21.00, while seats last.
To participate in the different activities, showings and particularly at IUSES - Intelligent Use of Energy at School laboratories please send an email to:
or phone in the number: 040 375 5297
If you want to know more about European Reaserchers’s night 2009 in Trieste, please click on:
Notte dei Ricercatori 2009
Venerdì 25 settembre a Trieste si accende la Notte dei Ricercatori 2009: Prosit- project for Science in Trieste.
L’iniziativa, promossa dalla Commissione Europea, si svolge in contemporanea in 40 città europee, di cui 7 italiane.
Anche IUSES parteciperà alla manifestazione presso la tensostruttura Experience Prosit in Piazza Unità d’Italia.
Tra le numerose attività ludico-didattiche pensate per i ragazzi, AREA Science Park organizzerà tre brevi incontri didattico sperimentali sul tema dell’efficienza energetica degli edifici e sull’energia fotovoltaica.
E’ ancora possibile iscriversi alle presentazioni delle ore 17.30 - 19.30 e 21.00, fino ad esaurimento posti.
Per partecipare alle varie attività proposte e in particolare ai laboratori di IUSES- Intelligent Use of Energy at School è possibile prenotarsi inviando una mail all’indirizzo:
oppure telefonando al numero: 040 375 5297
Per maggiori informazioni, si prega di cliccare qui:
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Kick- off time for the IUSES training courses for teachers
IUSES is organizing the first training courses for the secondary school teachers who will be testing the educational kit, with the main objective to promote environmental sustainability, energy efficiency and energy saving behaviour. AREA Science Park, given the number of applications received and the high interest in the world of secondary schools, organized two courses for Italy, respectively on September 4-5 and 10-11. Teachers came from different areas of the country, from Calabria to Veneto, from Lombardy to Abruzzi and several were the applications from secondary schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Tuscany and Liguria.
The educational material developed within the project is freely available to download at: www.iuses.eu
Al via i corsi per insegnanti.
IUSES propone i primi corsi di formazione dedicato agli insegnanti che testeranno il kit didattico sviluppato nell’ambito del progetto. L’obiettivo fondamentale è quello di promuovere la diffusione della cultura della sostenibilita' ambientale e del risparmio energetico.
In Italia AREA Science Park, visto l’alto numero di richieste e l’interesse suscitato dall’iniziativa nel mondo della scuola, ha organizzato due corsi: il primo il 4 e il 5 settembre, il secondo il 10 e l'11 settembre. Sono arrivati a Trieste insegnati provenienti da diverse regioni, dalla Calabria al Veneto, dalla Lombardia all'Abruzzo. Numerose anche le adesioni delle scuole del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Toscana e Liguria.
Il materiale didattico sviluppato dal progetto e' liberamente a disposizione e può essere scaricato per il download al seguente indirizzo: www.iuses.eu
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EESA Award ready for take off!
The Italian edition of the ESA European Energy Saving Award was launched officially during a press conference on September 4 at AREA Science Park, Trieste.
The award aims at rewarding secondary schools and students (participating either as individuals or groups) achieving the highest levels of energy conservation and efficiency in the 2009-2010 school year.
Two stages are envisaged, respectively at a national and at an international level.
The winners of the fist prizes in each country participate in the international competition, rewarding the most energy-efficient school in Europe and the students who will have achieved the highest levels of energy conservation in their everyday lives.
The final award ceremony will be held in the month of October 2010 in Trieste.
The Award is supported by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research, Ministry for the Environment, Territory and Protection of the Sea and by Assosolare, the Italian Photovoltaic Industry Association.
We also wish to thank our sponsors, generously supporting the initiative:
Electrolux, consistently sensitive to environmental issues and in the market with energy saving and energy-efficient products, which will reward the winners with some of its most famous products. CER (the Agency coordinating research activities in Friuli Venezia Giulia) Welcome Office Trieste, providing support to students and researchers with particular attention to those coming from EU Member States, EEA and Third countries. Ad-hoc, a company specializing in water conservation Stiferite, which supplied the insulating material in the kit for experiments
Download the text of the call and find out how to participate and win!
For further information, please contact:
AREA Science Park
Coordinatore del progetto
Padriciano 99 34012 Trieste
Telefono: +39 040 375 5268/5297/5252
e-mail: info@iuses.eu
web: www.area.trieste.it
Science Centre Immaginario Scientifico
Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta, 15 34014 Grignano – Trieste
Telefono 39 040 224424
e-mail: info@immaginarioscientifico.it
web: www.immaginarioscientifico.it
and… May the best win!
European Energy Saving Award ai blocchi di partenza!
Venerdì 4 settembre ha segnato l’avvio dell’edizione italiana del concorso ‘European Energy Saving Award’. Il lancio ufficiale del concorso è stato annunciato durante la Conferenza stampa organizzata in AREA Science Park. Il concorso premierà la scuola e gli studenti che riusciranno a conseguire il maggiore risparmio energetico nell’arco di questo anno scolastico. L’Award si suddividerà in due fasi: una prima nazionale e una seconda europea. Il primo classificato di ogni Paese parteciperà alla competizione europea, che incoronerà la scuola energeticamente più efficiente d’Europa o lo studente che dimostrerà di aver risparmiato più energia nella vita di tutti i giorni. La cerimonia di premiazione finale si terrà a Trieste nell’ottobre 2010.
Il premio è patrocinato Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Ministero dell’Ambiente, del territorio e della tutela del mare e dall’associazione italiana dell’industria fotovoltaica Assosolare.
Si ringraziano gli sponsor che generosamente sostengono l’iniziativa:
Electrolux, da sempre sensibile ai temi ambientali e presente sul mercato con prodotti particolarmente attenti al risparmio ed efficienza energetici, che premierà i vincitori con alcuni suoi prodotti di punta, il Coordinamento degli enti di ricerca del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Welcome Office Trieste ufficio di accoglienza per studenti e ricercatori provenienti da tutto il mondo, Ad-hoc: azienda specializzata nel risparmio dell’acqua e Stiferite azienda che si occupa di isolamento termico ed ha fornito il materiale isolante inserito nel kit degli esperimenti.
Per scoprire come partecipare e vincere o contattaci ai numeri:
AREA Science Park
Coordinatore del progetto
Padriciano 99 34012 Trieste
Telefono: +39 040 375 5268/5297/5252
e-mail: info@iuses.eu
web: www.area.trieste.it
Science Centre Immaginario Scientifico
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Training courses for teachers in Spain
22-26 y 28/10/2009
The Spanish course for teachers is settled on 22nd, 26th and 28th of October 2009. Place: 1st day at the CPR1 centre of Zaragoza (Centro de profesores y recursos); 2nd and 3rd day at CPS (Centro Politécnico Superior).
The course is reserved to the teachers registered to the IUSES project.
The first deadline for submission was the last May 31th 2009.
A new registration period is currently open with dead line the next 16th October 2009. Submission form and information about the course contents and conditions are available on the CPR1 web site
The IUSES teacher course has been admitted in the official programme for teachers training by the Department of Education of the Aragon Administration; the course is granted by 2 credits.
Cursos para profesores
Fundación CIRCE y CPR1
22-26 y 28/10/2009
El curso IUSES para profesores tendrá lugar los días 22 – 26 y 28 de octubre de 2009.
El lugar de celebración es: 1a sesión en el CPR1 de Zaragoza. Las siguientes sesiones se realizarán en el Centro Politécnico Superior, calle María de Luna 3 (ACTUR). La última sesión que tendrá lugar en Abril se acordará en el propio curso.
El curso está reservado a los profesores inscriptos al proyecto IUSES.
El plazo para la primera convocatoria fue hasta el pasado 31 de mayo.
Actualmente está abierta una nueva convocatoria con fecha hasta el 16 de octubre 2009. Para inscribirse y recibir detalles sobre los contenidos del curso y las condiciones de participación visitar a la página web del CPR1 de Zaragoza.
El curso IUSES ha sido admitido en el programa oficial de formación del profesorado por parte del Departamento de Educación del Gobierno de Aragón. Los créditos concedidos son 2.
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First day of EESA tour around Slovene schools
European Energy Saving Award (EESA) will take a tour around Slovene secondary schools to present the competition to the students and encourage them to take the its part. The tour will be done by their classmates, who were trained this summer for ''agents of low carbon society ". The agents will organize a solar show (a concert with electricity coming from the sun) for their school and community. At this opportunity they will present the EESA to their schoolfellows with leaflets and posters.
EESA začela turnejo po srednjih šolah
EESA – Evropska nagrada za energetsko učinkovitost, je danes začela svojo turnejo po srednjih šolah, z namenom, da spodbudi dijake in učitelje, da se udeležijo tekmovanja.
Turnejo bodo izvajali t. i. agenti nizkoogljične družbe (). Na svoji šoli, v svojem kraju bodo organizirali solarni show (elektriko za ozvočenje bodo pridobivali s pomočjo mobilne sončne elektrarne) in ob tem svojim sošolcem delili zgibanko, ki vsebuje informacije o tekmovanju.
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Training courses for secondary school teachers
Annecy/meythet - Prioriterre
The French courses for secondary school teachers, testing IUSES educational kit, are starting. Prioriterre is organizing 2 training sessions on different places to allow teacher from the whole region of Haute-Savoie to participate without travelling too far.
25 teachers will come either on the Wednesday 30th September or 14th October for the training.
The session of the 30th September will take place in the Planet House/ Maison pour la Planète, an efficient building , Minergie Labelled.
The teachers are going to be updated on the most recent information on modern energy efficiency in buildings, transport and industry. The course will show how to use the educational kit (also in a cross-disciplinary way) and the possible educational paths related to different teaching topics and schools. Moreover it will be explained how to develop an energy efficiency plan in the schools and how to participate in the ‘European Energy Saving Award’.
The course will be free for the secondary school teachers that will participate in IUSES testing phase. During the course they will be given the IUSES educational kit (a teachers handbook, 3 students books: buildings, transport and industry, an experiment tool kit and a multimedia DVD including animations, interactive games and the handbooks in 12 languages).
Go and find more information now!
Session de formation pour les enseignants du secondaire
Annecy / Meythet - Prioriterre
Les formations en France pour les enseignants du secondaire, à l’utilisation du kit pédagogique IUSES commencent.
Prioriterre organise 2 sessions de formation dans 2 localités différentes pour permettre aux enseignants de toute la région de Haute-Savoie de participer sans avoir à traverser la région entière.
25 enseignants pourront assister soit le Mercredi 30 Septembre ou le 14 Octobre pour la formation. (Inscriptions préalables souhaitées !) La session du 30 Septembre aura lieu à la Maison pour la Planète à Meythet, dans le nouveau bâtiment efficace, labélisé Minergie Eco P.
Le cours montrera comment utiliser le kit éducatif (et dans une manière transversale) et les manières possibles d’enseigner différents sujets. En outre, les professeurs seront informés sur les façons d'élaborer un plan d'efficacité énergétique dans les écoles et la manière de participer à la «European Energy Saving Award».
Le cours sera gratuit pour les enseignants du secondaire qui vont participer à IUSES phase de test. Les matériaux n’étant pas finalisés, ils seront mis à disposition ultérieurement.
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European lamps become more energy efficient
The EU has set new energy efficiency requirements that lamps produced for the EU market need to fulfil as from 1 September 2009. Traditional incandescent and halogen bulbs will be gradually phased out from the market by the end of 2012. Read the details on EU official site
Le lampadine europee diventano più efficienti
Dal 1 settembre 2009 l’Unione Europea ha definito nuovi requisiti minimi di efficienza energetica per le lampadine prodotte nel mercato europeo. Le tradizionali lampadine ad incandescenza e le lampade alogene usciranno gradualmente di produzione entro la fine del 2012. Leggi i dettagli sul sito ufficiale dell’Unione Europea
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EESA launched in Ireland
The European Energy Saving Award and the IUSES project were launched by Mr. Batt O'Keeffe, Irish Minister for Education & Science at the headquarters of Bord Gáis, sponsors of the project in Ireland. The project was welcomed and encouraged by Mr. O'Keeffe and by Mr. John Mullins, Chief Executive Officer of Bord Gáis. Further details are available on the website of the IUSES partner in Ireland.
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Teacher training course in Slovenia
On September 4, 2009 the teachers from Slovenia participated in teacher training course which was held at an interesting location - Spa Snovik, awarded last year by International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) for its successful implementation of renewable energy technologies.
Apart form being given the introduction into IUSES teaching tools and European Energy Saving Award, the teacher took a closer look at the spa. They were taken below the swimming pools to see how the water in the pools gets warm (in summer by solar collectors, in winter by geothermal heat pump); they saw the local biomass heating system used for the heating of apartments in winter. At the end of the day we took a relational swim at the spa.
Delavnica za učitelje
Danes je v Termah Snovik potekala delavnica za učitelje. Tomaž Dintinjana in Maja Blejec iz Slovenskega E-foruma sta učiteljem predstavila IUSES orodja in tekmovanje za Evropsko nagrado za energetsko učinkovitost; tamkajšnji strokovnjak pa jih je popeljal na ogled term, ki smo jih kot lokacijo delavnice izbrali zato, ker so lani prejele nagrado CIPRE za uspešno umestitev tehnologij za rabo obnovljivih virov energije.
Učitelji so si ogledali, kako se ogreva voda v bazenih (poleti s pomočjo sprejemnikov sončne energije, pozimi s toplotno črpalko): ogledali so si daljinski sistem za ogrevanje na lesno biomaso, čisto na koncu pa so se nekateri odšli kopat.
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EESA AWARDS: Call for applications
An opportunity you cannot afford to miss!
This is a call for all secondary schools and secondary school students, both as individual and group participants, with an interest in issues such as the efficient use of energy, sustainable transport, renewable energies, the environment to submit their applications and enter the EESA – European Energy Saving Award competition.
Besides the opportunity to win eco-friendly prizes, this is a chance for your school to become known at a national and international level, enhance environmental awareness and boost a real change in energy related behaviour!
Go and find more information now!
CONCOURS EESA- IUSES: Appel à candidatures
Une opportunité à ne pas manquer!
Ceci est un appel à toutes les écoles secondaires et élèves du secondaire en tant que participants individuels et en groupe, avec un intérêt pour les questions telles que l'utilisation efficace de l'énergie, le transport durable, les énergies renouvelables, l'environnement. Venez soumettre vos candidatures et participez au concours Européen d’économie d’énergie.
Outre la possibilité de gagner des éco-prix, c'est une chance pour votre école de se faire connaître au niveau national et international, améliorer la sensibilisation à l'environnement et à stimuler un réel changement de comportement en matière d'énergie!
Il Premio Internazionale EESA
Un’opportunità da non perdere!
Il Premio Internazionale EESA - European Energy Saving Award è rivolto a tutte le scuole secondarie ed ai loro iscritti (che possono partecipare come singoli o gruppi di studenti) e che si interessano alle tematiche relative all’uso dell’energia, al trasporto sostenibile, alle energie rinnovabili, all’ambiente.
Inviate subito le richieste di partecipazione: oltre all’opportunità di vincere dei bellissimi eco-premi, avete la possibilità di farvi conoscere a livello nazionale ed internazionale, migliorare la consapevolezza delle problematiche ambientali a scuola e nella comunità e generare un vero cambiamento nei comportamenti e nelle abitudini che hanno un impatto reale sull’ambiente!
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Intelligent use of Energy at school
On August 19-20, 2009 the teachers of Latvia participated in teacher training course „Integration of energy efficiency issues into study process at secondary school level”, which was held in the framework of the Project „Intelligent Use of Energy at school”. 25 teachers from the schools of Jelgava city, Ozolnieki region, Jelgava region, Olaine, Bauska and Aizkraukle had a two day course during which they got acquainted with the comprehensive educational pack for secondary schools to help teach efficient energy usage in interesting and effective ways. The teachers will pilot the material at their schools during school year 2009./2010. The material is free of charge to participating schools.
The pack includes:
- A set of 3 handbooks for students: Energy efficiency in industry, Building Energy efficiency and Sustainable transport & mobility.
- A guidebook for teachers
- An interactive multimedia DVD
- An experiment toolkit
The teachers received actual information about energy efficiency policy and new solutions in the world, Latvia and Zemgale region from Mr Martins Prisis, the director of Zemagale regional energy agency.
The main issues discussed during the course:
- energy efficiency in buildings, appliances, ways of reducing energy consumption at school, home,
- use of energy in industry and transport,
- integration of energy efficiency issues into study process
- school participation in The European Energy Saving Award competition and development of school energy efficiency plan
Project coordinator Skaidrite Bukbarde introduced with the call for the EUROPEAN ENERGY SAVING AWARD, which will be announced in 14 European countries, participating in the project. This award is open to any secondary school or secondary school student that has made contributions to progressing, promoting and/or implementing good energy performance at school (i.e. in education, research, practices, implementation policies) in which the reduced use of energy is a key component. The competition has 2 rounds- national and European. Everyone who is interested can apply till December 15, 2009.
Schools and students from Latvia who are interested in participating, please contact Project coordinator: Skaidrīte Bukbarde, 63012152, 29337980, skaidrite.bukbarde@pic.jelgava.lv
Taupīga enerģijas izmantošana skolā
2009.gada 19.-20.augustā Jelgavas reģionālajā PIC notika kursi „Enerģijas efektivitātes, enerģijas taupīšanas jautājumu integrēšana mācību procesā vidusskolā” skolotājiem, kas pieteikušies līdzdalībai projekta aktivitāšu īstenošanā.
Šajā mācību gadā tiks īstenotas šādas aktivitātes:
- metodisko materiālu tulkošana,
- metodisko materiālu aprobācija skolās,
- konkurss vidusskolēniem „Eiropas Enerģijas balva”.
Kursos piedalījās 25 skolotāji no Jelgavas pilsētas skolām, Ozolnieku novada, Jelgavas novada, Olaines, Bauskas un Aizkraukles. Skolotāji tika iepazīstināti ar metodiskajiem materiāliem, kā arī to izmantošanas iespējām mācību procesā. Mācību materiālu aprobācija plānota visa 2009./2010.m.g. laikā.
Skolotāji, kas iesaistījušies metodisko materiālu aprobācijā saņems metodisko materiālu komplektu, kurā būs iekļauts:
- rokasgrāmata skolēniem „Energoefektivitāte rūpniecībā”
- rokasgrāmata skolēniem „Energoefektīvas celtnes”
- rokasgrāmata skolēniem „Ilgtspējīgs transports un pārvietošanās”
- rokasgrāmata skolotājiem
- interaktīvi mācību materiāli (DVD)
- instrumentu komplekts vienkāršu eksperimentu veikšanai.
Zemgales reģionālās enerģētikas aģentūras direktors Mārtiņš Prīsis skolotājus informēja par energoefektivitātes problēmām un to risinājumiem pasaulē, Latvijā un Zemgales reģionā.
Projekta koordinatore Skaidrīte Bukbārde iepazīstināja kursu dalībniekus ar konkursa „Eiropas enerģijas taupīšanas balva” nolikumu. Šis konkurss tiks izsludināts 2009.gada septembrī skolām un skolēniem 14 Eiropas valstīs, kura laikā skolēni tiks aicināti taupīt enerģiju individuāli, ģimenēs un visas skolas ietvaros. Konkursa laikā skolēni izstrādās pētnieciskos darbus par elektroenerģijas izmantošanu un taupīšanu, tiks veikti aprēķini, cik daudz enerģijas (un arī naudas) var ietaupīt, kaut nedaudz mainot savu attieksmi pret elektroenerģijas izmantošanu. Konkurss notiks 2 posmos. 1.posms notiks katrā projekta dalībvalstī no 2009.gada 1.decembra līdz 2010. gada 1.maijam. 2.posms notiks Eiropas valstu līmenī. Konkurss noslēgsies 2009.gada jūnijā Latvijā, labākie darbi tiks nosūtīti līdzdalībai Eiropas konkursā. Eiropas enerģijas taupīšanas balva tiks pasniegta noslēguma konferencē Triestē, Itālijā, 2010.gada oktobrī.
Konkursa mērķis - atbalstīt sasniegumus, labās prakses piemērus, idejas un plānus saistībā ar enerģijas patēriņu, īpaši uzsverot enerģijas patēriņa samazināšanu.
Dalībnieki tiek dalīti trīs kategorijās::
- Skolas-Energoefektīvākā skola
- Individuāli skolēni, kas sasnieguši ievērojamu enerģijas ietaupījumu ikdienā
- Video (individuāli autori vai grupu darbs). Video reklāma, īsfilma, digitālā spēle, animācija, programmatūra, video māksla par enerģijas taupīšanas tēmām.
Konkursa norises plāns:
2009.gada septembris |
Eiropas enerģijas taupīšanas konkursa izsludināšana |
līdz 2009.gada 15.decembrim |
Pieteikumu iesniegšana konkursam |
2009.g. 1.decembris -2010.g. 1. maijs |
Konkursa norise skolās |
līdz 2010.g. 20.maijam |
Konkursa darbu iesniegšana |
līdz 2010.g. jūnija beigām |
Valstu konkursa darbu izvērtēšana un uzvarētāju apbalvošana |
Aicinām Latvijas skolas un skolēnus iesaistīties šajā konkursā!
Skolas un skolēni, kas vēlās iesaistīties metodisko materiālu aprobācijā un konkursā par Eiropas enerģijas taupīšanas balvu lūdzu sazināties ar projekta koordinatori Skaidrīti BUkbārdi, 63012152, 29337980, skaidrite.bukbarde@pic.jelgava.lv
Projekta koordinatore,
Skaidrīte Bukbārde
Skolu atbalsta nodaļas vadītāja
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Bord Gáis Supports IUSES – Ireland
The IUSES project is delighted to announce Bord Gáis’ support for IUSES educational programme and the European Energy Saving Awards for schools in Ireland for the 2009/2010 academic year. Bord Gáis is an Irish commercial state body and is a leading dual-fuel energy provider, serving 630,000 natural gas users in Ireland and over 150,000 electricity customers. The company is currently constructing a 445 MW gas-fired power station and is developing a portfolio of renewable and flexible power generation assets. The company’s goals in renewable energy reflect and support the Irish Government’s target of 30% energy produced from renewables by 2020.
Bord Gáis is proud to sponsor the IUSES project. As a leader in promoting and encouraging energy efficiency at all levels, Bord Gáis is delighted to support an initiative which sows the seed of energy awareness in energy consumers and procurers of the future.
This generation will dictate the direction of our energy use and its ultimate impact on sustainability and our environment. Bord Gáis places great emphasis on the educational forum as a means of encouraging and supporting students to understand energy, its use, the benefits of utilising energy efficiently and nurtures interest in researching and exploring other sources of energy.
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Training courses for secondary school teachers
Trieste / AREA Science Park
The Italian courses for secondary school teachers, testing IUSES educational kit, are starting. To satisfy as many teachers’ participation requests as possible, AREA is organizing, in addition to the scheduled course of the 4th and 5th of September, a second course on the 10th – 11th /09/2009.
The teachers are going to be updated on the most recent information on modern energy efficiency in buildings, transport and industry. The course will show how to use the educational kit (also in a cross-disciplinary way) and the possible educational paths related to different teaching topics and schools. Moreover it will be explained how to develop an energy efficiency plan in the schools and how to participate in the ‘European Energy Saving Award’.
The course will be free for the secondary school teachers that will participate in IUSES testing phase. During the course they will be given the IUSES educational kit (a teachers handbook, 3 students books: buildings, transport and industry, an experiment tool kit and a multimedia DVD including animations, interactive games and the handbooks in 12 languages).
Corsi di formazione per insegnanti delle scuole superiori
Trieste – AREA Science Park
4-5 settembre /10-11 settembre
Sono in partenza i corsi di formazione per gli insegnati delle scuole superiori che testeranno il Kit didattico di IUSES.
Visto l’alto numero di richieste di docenti interessati all’iniziativa, oltre al corso previsto dal progetto il 4-5 settembre, è stata organizzata una seconda edizione la settimana successiva, nei giorni 10 -11 settembre. Gli insegnanti avranno modo di aggiornarsi sull’attuale stato dell’arte dell’efficienza energetica in tre diversi settori: edilizia, trasporti ed industria. Durante il corso verranno illustrati l’utilizzo del kit didattico di IUSES, i diversi percorsi didattici per l’insegnamento dell’efficienza energetica in base alla materia di insegnamento e al tipo di istituto scolastico e la possibilità di un utilizzo interdisciplinare del kit. Infine si illustrerà come organizzare un piano di risparmio energetico all’interno della propria scuola e partecipare allo ‘European Energy Saving Award’.
L’iscrizione al corso è gratuita ed include il kit didattico IUSES (manuale per gli insegnanti, 3 manuali per gli studenti sui tre temi del corso: Edilizia, Trasporti ed Industria, kit per gli esperimenti e dvd multimediali contenenti il testo dei manuali in 12 lingue ed un programma multimediale interattivo per gli studenti).
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IUSES: At the start the Italian course for teachers
Secondary school teachers can apply for participating at the Italian IUSES course within the 31st of July. The teachers joining the project will get up to date on energy efficiency state of the art in building, transports and industry sectors. The course will show how to use the IUSES kit and the possible learning pathways. It will be illustrated how to organize a school energy plan and how to participate at the European Energy Saving Award.
IUSES: aperte le iscrizioni ai corsi gratuiti per insegnanti.
I docenti che aderiranno all’iniziativa avranno modo di aggiornarsi sull’attuale stato dell’arte nel tema dell’efficienza energetica in tre diversi settori: edilizia, trasporti ed industria. Durante il corso verranno illustrati l’utilizzo del kit didattico fornito dal progetto, i diversi percorsi didattici possibili per l’insegnamento dell’efficienza energetica in base alla materia di insegnamento e al tipo di istituto scolastico nonché i possibili percorsi didattici multidisciplinari. Infine verrà illustrato come organizzare un piano di risparmio energetico all’interno della propria scuola e partecipare allo European Energy Saving Award.
Per maggiori informazioni e iscrizioni .
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Rome, 8th of May 2009
The Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has granted IUSES its Patronage, considering the important activity of training, disseminating and raising public awareness on the energy efficiency issue.
Roma, 8 maggio 2009
Il Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca ha concesso il suo patrocinio al progetto IUSES, riconoscendo l’importante azione di formazione, divulgazione e sensibilizzazione sul tema dell’efficienza energetica.
Sinergija med IUSESOM in Ekošolami
11. maja 2009 je Slovenski E-forum predstavil IUSES nacionalni
koordinaciji Ekošol. Srečanje je bilo plodno, saj so se Ekošole
odločile, da IUSES uvrstijo v svoj program za šolsko leto 2009/2010.
Tako bo v prihodnjem šolskem letu IUSES eden izmed korakov za ekozastavo.
Za tiste, ki Ekošol še ne poznate: vsaka šola v mreži mora vsako leto
opraviti 6 korakom s katerimi dokaže svoj ''eko'' način življenja,
učenja in poučevanja, za nagrado pa lahko obdrži svojo ekozastavo.
zastava visi pred vhodom v šolo in simbolizira "eko" filozofijo šole.
Sinergija med IUSESOM in Ekošolami pomeni, da bo v prihodnjem letu IUSES
del kurikuluma, poleg tega pa Slovenski E-forum pričakuje, da se bo več
šol prijavilo na Evropsko nagrado za energetsko učinkovitost.
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On Maj 11th 2009 Slovenski E-forum presented IUSES to the national Eco
school coordination. The meeting has been very successful, as Eco
schools decided to include IUSES into 2009/2010 school year program and
make IUSES one of the steps towards an eco flag in that period.
For those not familiar with eco schools movement: each school of the
network every year performs 6 steps in order to prove its eco way of
living, learning and teaching and as an award keeps its eco flag. The
flag hangs in front of the schools entrance and symbolizes the "eco" teaching philosophie of the school.
The synergies between IUSES and Eco schools means that IUSES teaching
tool kit will be used directly in the curriculum, besides Slovenski
E-forum expects more schools to join the European Energy saving Award.
Sinergija IUSES/-a in Ekošol
Včeraj, 11. maja 2010, je Slovenski E-forum predstavil projekt IUSES nacionalni koordinaciji Ekošol. Sestanek je bil zelo uspešen, saj so se Ekošole odločile, da vključijo IUSES v program dela za prihodnje šolsko leto. IUSES bo torej eden od korakov za potrditev eko zastave v šolskem letu 2009/2010.
Sodelovanje z Ekošol pomeni, da bodo učitelji uporabili učna orodja neposredno v šolskem kurikulumu, prav tako pa se Slovenski E-forum nadeja, da bo sodelovanje spodbudilo ekošole, da se prijavijo na Evropsko nagrado za energetsko učinkovitost.
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On the Spanish section of the website two documents are available to be downloaded (valid only for Spanish Schools and students!!):
• the Application Form for the submission to the project (first deadline May 31st )
• a power point presentation summarizing the IUSES activities for the scholar year 2009/2010
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“CIRCE carries on dissemination activities by taking part in the “Active Youth” workshop of Teruel (Province of Aragon region, Spain). That event, where CIRCE presented and promoted the IUSES project, was dedicated to Young People, Employment, Education, Training and Leisure and took place from the 27th to 29th of March 2009.
CIRCE continúa con sus actividades de difusión del proyecto a través de la participación en la feria “Juventud Activa” de Teruel (Aragón – España) que tuvo lugar los días desde el 27-28 y 29 de marzo de 2009, estaba dedicado a Jóvenes, Empleo, Educación, Formación y Ocio. En ese contexto CIRCE presentó el proyecto IUSES y lo promocionó entre los jóvenes y escuelas allí presente.
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Mr. Batt O'Keeffe, Irish Minister for Education & Science, was briefed on the IUSES project by Mr Noel Duffy of the Clean Technology Centre at Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland. The Minister was informed about the scope of the teaching materials and welcomed the introduction of the Energy Saving Award. He indicated his approval of the project and recommended measures that could be taken by the CTC to promote the project among teachers, the national curriculum authority and other organisations addressing the needs of environmental education among secondary students
Intalnire IUSES cu Ministerul Educatiei si Stiintei din Irlanda
Dl.. Batt O'Keeffe, din partea Ministerului Educatiei si Stiintei, a avut o scurta intalnire cu Dl. Noel Duffy din partea Centrului de Tehnologii Curate din cadrul Institutului de Tehnologie Cork din Irlanda.Ministerul a fost informat despre scopul materialelor de invatare si a fost facuta si o introducere legata de Concursul de Economie de Energie.El a vorbit despre aceasta aprobare din proiect si a recomandat masuri ce ar trebui luate in considerare de catre CTC pentru promovarea proiectului in randul profesorilor, in randul autoritatii nationale curiculare si a altor organizatii, accentuand necesitatile de educare in domeniul protectiei mediului a elevilor din scoli.
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IUSES is going to participate to the 6th edition of Terra Futura that takes place in Florence (Italy), at the Fortezza da Basso’ from the 29th to 31st of May 2009.
On the occasion it will be presented the preview of the IUSES educational kit and the ‘European Energy Saving Award’. Moreover it will be possible to enrol in the teachers course that will take place in AREA Science Park in Autumn.
TerraFutura is a fair-meeting organized in a exhibition area and in a very high level program of cultural initiatives, meetings, seminars, workshop; and also laboratories and shows. Inaugurated for the goal to guarantee a future for our planet, Terra Futura’s cornerstones are the tasks and the “good practices” of social, economic and environmental sustainability, carried out in all fields, from daily life to social relations, from the economic system to the public administration. Terra Futura wants to spread and promote the “good practices” of social, economic and environmental sustainability already existing and experimented, to foster the virtuous change of the system, the environment protection and the human rights defence.
IUSES parteciperà con uno stand alla sesta edizione di Terra Futura che si svolgerà a Firenze, nella Fortezza da Basso, dal 29 al 31 maggio 2009. In questa occasione verrà presentato in anteprima il kit didattico e lo ‘European Energy Saving Award’, nonché sarà possibile iscriversi al corso per insegnati che si terrà in AREA Science Park in autunno.
Terra Futura è una grande mostra-convegno ricca di appuntamenti culturali di alto spessore, tra convegni, seminari, workshop; oltre a laboratori e momenti di animazione e spettacolo. Nata con l’obiettivo di garantire un futuro al nostro pianeta, la manifestazione mette al centro le tematiche e le “buone pratiche” della sostenibilità sociale, economica e ambientale, attuabili in tutti i campi: dalla vita quotidiana alle relazioni sociali, dal sistema economico all’amministrazione della cosa pubblica.
Terra Futura vuole far conoscere e promuovere tutte le iniziative che già sperimentano e utilizzano modelli di relazioni e reti sociali, di governo, di consumo, produzione, finanza, commercio sostenibili: pratiche che, se adottate e diffuse, contribuirebbero a garantire la salvaguardia dell’ambiente e del pianeta, e la tutela dei diritti delle persone e dei popoli.
IUSES invitat sa participe in 'Terra Futura'
IUSES a fost invitat sa participle la a 6-a editie a Terra Futura ce va avea loc la Florenta (Italia), la Fortezza da Basso’ intre 29 – 31 Mai 2009. Cu aceasta ocazie vor fi facute scurte prezentari pentru kitul educational IUSES si pentru “ Concursul European de Economisirea de Energie”. In plus acest eveniment va face posibila inscrierea la cursul de instructori ce va avea loc in Parcul Stiintific AREA in toamna.
TerraFutura este un targ – intrunire organizat in aria de expozitie cu un program de nivel inalt al initiativelor culturale, intalnirilor, seminariilor, workshopurilor; sunt deasemenea laboratoare si locuri de prezentare.Inaugurata in scopul de a garanta viitorul planetei noastre, piatra de temelie a Terra Futura sunt sarcinile si “bunele paractici” in domeniul social, economic si de conservarea mediului, implicand toate sectoarele, de la viata zilnica la relatiile sociale, de la sistemul economic la cel administrativ.Terra Futura si-a propus sa raspandesca si sa promoveze “bunele practici” in domeniiile social, economic si conservarii mediului deja existente si experimentate, pentru a favoriza schimbari insemnate ale sistemului, ale protectiei mediului si drepturilor omului.
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On the 6th and 8th January took place the official lauching of the collaboration with the schools and high schools of Haute-Savoie 9 interested teachers from 13 schools and high schools attended the 2 meetings where the project has been presented Lot of questions where raised on the adaptation of the toolkit and a great collaboration should take place between the local partners.
To introduce IUSES to the students, lot of schools already asked for the “volontaires pour la planète” to intervene in class for the youngest level. These volunteers present 2 differents workshops: the energy puzzle (to understand better les diff sources d’energie et leur transfo pr utilisation par l’jhomm and the eco behaviour work shop (connaitre les eco gestes déjà mis en peuvre par les enfants et leur en apprendre de nouveaux It is good introduction to the IUSES programme.
Les 6 et 8 janvier derniers, 9 professeurs de 13 collèges/collèges Lycées ont assisté à la présentation du projet IUSES. Le lancement du projet est officiel. De nombreuses questions ont été soulevées sur l’adaptation du toolkit et une belle collaboration semble prête à prendre forme entre les partenaires locaux. Afin d’introduire IUSES aux élèves, plusieurs écoles ont demandé auprès de prioriterre l’intervention d’un « volontaire pour la planète » dans leurs plus petites classes.
Le programme des « volontaires pour la planète » propose 2 ateliers différents : le Puzzle de l’énergie et les Eco gestes. Le puzzle de l’énergie permet aux élèves de comprendre mieux les sources d’énergie et leur transformation pour l’utilisation par l’homme. Les éco gestes permettent aux élèves de voir quels gestes les élèves mettent déjà en œuvre et de leur en apprendre de nouveaux. C’est une très bonne introduction au programme IUSES
Stiri din Franta
In perioada 6 – 8 Ianuarie a fost lansata oficial colaborarea cu scolile si liceele din Haute – Savoie 9, profesori interesati din 13 scoli au participat la 2 mitinguri unde a fost prezentat proiectul si unde au fost ridicate mai multe intrebari legate de adoptarea kiturilor experimentale si de colaborarea cat mai buna intre partenerii locali.Pentru implicarea elevilor in proiectul IUSES, mai multe scoli au lansat deja solganul” voluntari pentru planeta noastra” pentru a abordare tinereasca in clase.Acesti voluntari au fost prezenti la 2 workshopuri diferite: energia puzzle (cunosterea mai bine a diferitelor surse de energie “et leur transfo pr utilisation par l’jhomm”) si workshopul pentru comportament eco (“connaitre les eco gestes déjà mis en peuvre par les enfants et leur en apprendre de nouveaux ”). Acesta a fost o buna introducere in programul IUSES.
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Patronage of the Italian Ministry of Environment
The Italian Ministry of Environment has granted IUSES its Patronage, considering the important activity of disseminating and raising public awareness on the energy efficiency issue and the strong commitment to involve secondary school students, teachers and their families in a little revolution of behaviours that will lead to significant energy savings without changing their lifestyle.
Il patrocinio del Ministero dell’Ambiente a IUSES
Il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare ha concesso il suo patrocinio al progetto IUSES, riconoscendo l’importante azione di divulgazione e sensibilizzazione sul tema dell’efficienza energetica e l’impegno nel coinvolgere ragazzi, insegnanti delle scuole superiori e le loro famiglie in una piccola rivoluzione dei comportamenti che senza sostanziali modifiche allo stile di vita porterà ad un consistente risparmio energetico.
Patronajul Ministerului Italian al Mediului
Ministerul Italian al Mediului a alocat proiectului IUSES acest patronaj, considerand ca fiind foarte importanta activitatea de diseminare si sensibilizarea constiintei publice in regulile economiei de energie si o incredere mare pentru implicarea elevilor din scolile secundare, a profesorilor si familiiilor intr-o mica revolutie a comportamentului ce va conduce la o economie de energie importanta, fara a schimba stilul de viata al acestora.
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On 11th February it took place a presentation of the IUSES project to a group of secondary school teachers at the CIRCE foundation, in the framework of the Local Agenda 21 of Saragossa (Spain).
It could be seen as a good manner to take advantage of projects on developing process and foster synergy among them.
It is expected a profitable collaboration with the schools and teachers from Saragossa involved in the A21 thanks to the great helpfulness of the Local A21 managing staff.
Le 11 Février dernier, ISUES a été présenté à un groupe de professeurs à la foundation CIRCE dans le cadre de l’agenda 21 de Saragossa
On attend une collaboration profitable avec les écoles et professeurs de Saragosse qui sont engages dans l’Agenda 21 grâce à l’aide de l’équipe managerial de l’A21.
Sinergie intre IUSES si Agenda 21 Zaragozza (Spania)
Pe 11 Februarie a avut loc o prezentare a proiectului IUSES pentru un grup de profesori din scolile secundare la sediul fundatiei CIRCE, in cadrul retelei Agenda Locala 21 Zaragozza (Spania).
Aceasta se poate constitui intr-un avantaj in procesul de dezvoltare al proiectului si un sprijin in sinergia dintre acestea.
Este de asteptat o colaborare profitabila cu scolile si profesorii din Zaragozza in Agenda 21, multumiri pentru sprijinul deosebit al echipei de conducere Local A21.
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IUSES has been selected as associate partner of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign.
Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 is a Campaign that aims to raise public awareness and act as a catalyst for the continued development, promotion and market uptake of sustainable energy technologies. The Campaign is launched by the European Commission’s DG for Energy and Transport in the framework of the Intelligent Energy - Europe (EIE) programme and aims to raise public awareness and promote sustainable energy production and use among individuals and organisations, private companies and public authorities, professional and energy agencies, industry associations and NGOs across Europe.
Campaign Associates contribute successfully to the objectives of the Campaign through their powerful network of contacts and their own respectability in their respective areas of work.
For more information about the Campaign visit
Колективът изпълняващ проекта IUSES бе избран като асоцииран партньор на кампанията Устойчива енергия Европа.
Устойчива енергия Европа 2005-2008 е кампания, която има за цел да активира общественото внимание и да играе ролята на катализатор за непрекъснато развитие, популяризиране и навлизане на пазара на технологии, отнасящи се до утойчивата енергия. Кампанията е стартирана от Генералната Дирекция по „Енергия и Транспорт” към Европейската Комисия в рамките на програмата „Интелигентна енергия-Европа” (IEE) и има за цел да активира общественото внимание и да насърчава производството и използването на устойчива енергия от отделните граждани, организациите, частните компании и държавните органи на властта, енергийните агенции и неправителствените организации в цяла Европа.
Асоциираните членове на тази Кампания успешно съдействат за постигане на целите посредством тяхната мощна мрежа от контакти и тяхната почтеност в съответните им области на работа.
За повече информация относно Кампанията посетете
IUSES byla vybrána jako přidružený partner kampaně Energeticky udržitelná Evropa.
Energeticky udržitelná Evropa 2005-2008 je kampaň zaměřená na zvýšení obecného povědomí s cílem urychlit postupný rozvoj, propagaci a přijetí energeticky udržitelných technologií na trhu. Kampaň pořádá DG Evropské komise pro Energetiku a dopravu v rámci programu Energeticky Inteligentní Evropa (EIE) a zaměřuje se na zvýšení veřejného povědomí a na propagaci udržitelné energetické výroby a její využívání jedinci a organizacemi, soukromými společnostmi a veřejnou sférou, profesionálními a energetickými agenturami, průmyslovými asociacemi a neziskovými organizacemi napříč Evropou.
Členové kampaně úspěšně napomáhají cílům celé kampaně prostřednictvím své silné sítě kontaktů a vlastní odpovědností v příslušných oblastech své činnosti.
Chcete-li se dozvědět více informací o Kampani, klikněte na
IUSES wurde als begleitender Partner der europäischen Kampagne für
nachhaltige Energie ausgewählt.
Nachhaltige Energie für Europa 2005 - 2008 ist eine Kampagne, die das
öffentliche Bewusstsein fördern und als Katalysator für die fortwährende
Entwicklung, Förderung und Marktakzeptanz von Technologien zur Erzeugung
erneuerbarer Energie dienen soll. Die Kampagne wurde von der
Generaldirektion Energie und Transport der europäischen Kommission im
Rahmen des "Intelligent Energy Europe" (EIE) Programmes gestartet, um
das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit und die Produktion sowie Verwendung
von alternativer Energie innerhalb der Industrie und in öffentlichen
Einrichtungen zu fördern.
Die einzelnen Mitglieder der Kampagne tragen durch ihr hervorragendes
Netzwerk an Kontakten und ihr profundes Fachwissen wesentlich zum Erfolg
des Projekts bei.
Für weitere Informationen zu dieser Kampagne besuchen Sie die Website:
IUSES ha sido seleccionado como miembro asociado de la Campaña Energía Sostenible para Europa.
Energía Sostenible para Europa 2005-2008 es una campaña que pretende sensibilizar a la opinión pública y actuar como un catalizador para el desarrollo, la promoción y la adopción por el mercado de tecnologías energéticas sostenibles. La campaña, lanzada por la Comisión Europea DG Energía y Transporte en el marco del programa Energía Inteligente para Europa (IEE), tiene como objetivo sensibilizar a la opinión pública y promover la producción sostenible de energía y el uso inteligente entre personas y organizaciones, empresas privadas y administraciones públicas, profesionales y agencias de la energía, asociaciones de la industria y organizaciones no gubernamentales de toda Europa.
Los miembros asociados de la Campaña contribuyen con éxito a los objetivos de la Campaña a través de su red de contactos y su propia competencia en sus respectivas áreas de trabajo.
Para obtener más información acerca de la Campaña visita
IUSES a été sélectionné pour être associé à la campagne Energie Durable pour l’Europe.
La campagne Énergie durable pour l’Europe 2005-2008 a pour but de conscientiser les publics et d’agir comme un catalyseur pour l’avancée du développement, de la promotion et du marché des technologies de l’énergie durable.
C’est une initiative de la Direction Energie et Transport de la Commission européenne qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme Énergie intelligente - Europe (EIE), qui vise à sensibiliser le public et à promouvoir le production et la consommation des énergies durables auprès des citoyens et des organisations, entreprises privées et pouvoirs publics, chambres professionnelles et agences de l’énergie, associations industrielles et ONG, dans toute l’Europe.
Les associés de la Campagne contribuent aux objectives de la campagne non seulement à travers leurs importants réseaux de contacts mais aussi grâce à leur propre statuts reconnus dans leurs domaines de compétences.
Pour plus d’information sur la Campagne;
Το έργο IUSES επιλέχθηκε ως εταίρος της εκστρατείας για την αειφόρο ενέργεια στην Ευρώπη.
Η Αειφόρος Ενέργεια Ευρώπη 2005 – 2008 είναι μία εκστρατεία που αποσκοπεί στην ευαισθητοποίηση του κοινού και λειτουργεί καταλυτικά για τη συνεχή ανάπτυξη, προώθηση των αειφόρων τεχνολογιών ενέργειας και χρήση αυτών από την αγορά. Η εκστρατεία ξεκίνησε από τη Γενική Διεύθυνση (ΓΔ) Ενέργειας και Μεταφορών της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος «Ευφυής Ενέργεια – Ευρώπη»η οποία αποσκοπεί στην ευαισθητοποίηση του κοινού και στην προώθηση της αειφόρου ενέργειας σε ιδιώτες και οργανισμούς, σε ιδιωτικές εταιρίες και κρατικούς φορείς, σε επαγγελματίες κι υπηρεσίες «αρμόδιες» για θέματα ενέργειας, σε ενώσεις του κλάδου και ΜΚΟ σ’ όλη την Ευρώπη.
Οι συνεργαζόμενοι φορείς της εκστρατείας συνεισφέρουν αποτελεσματικά στους στόχους της μέσω των ισχυρών διασυνδέσεων τους και της αναγνώρισης που τυγχάνουν στο χώρο που δραστηριοποιούνται.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, επισκεφτείτε την ιστοσελίδα:
Il progetto IUSES è stato selezionato come partner della Campagna Energia sostenibile per l'Europa
La campagna Energia sostenibile per l'Europa 2005-2008 è un'iniziativa volta a sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica e a fungere da catalizzatore per il continuo sviluppo, promozione e inserimento nel mercato delle tecnologie energeticamente sostenibili. La campagna è stata lanciata dalla Commissione Europea - Direzione Generale Energia e Trasporti, varata nel quadro del programma Energia Intelligente per l’Europa (EIE) e mira a promuovere la produzione e l'uso sostenibile dell'energia e ad incrementare la sensibilità sulle tematiche energetiche e ambientali di cittadini, organizzazioni, aziende private, autorità pubbliche, professionisti e agenzie per l'energia, associazioni industriali e ONG di tutta l’Europa.
Gli associati alla Campagna contribuiscono attivamente al perseguimento degli obiettivi della Campagna mediante la loro rete di contatti ed il prestigio acquisito nel loro ambito di attività.
Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito:
IUSES tika izvēlēts kā sadarbības partneris kampaņā Ilgtspējīga enerģija Eiropai.
Ilgtspējīga enerģija Eiropai 2005-2008 ir kampaņa, kuras mērķis ir veidot sabiedrības izpratni un būt par katalizatoru, kas veicina ilglaicīgu attīstību, sekmējot ilgtspējīgu tehnoloģiju ieviešanu. Šī kampaņa ir izveidota pēc Eiropas Komisijas iniciatīvas programmas “Saprātīga enerģija Eiropai” ietvaros, kuras mērķis ir veicināt sabiedrības iesaistīšanos un mudināt cilvēkus, organizācijas, privātos uzņēmumus un valsts iestādes, profesionālās un enerģijas aģentūras, nozares apvienības un nevalstiskās organizācijas visā Eiropā ražot un izmantot ilgtspējīgu enerģiju.
Kampaņas dalībnieki dod ieguldījumu kampaņas mērķu īstenošanā veiksmīgi sadarbojoties un īstenojot pasākumus savas darbības jomās.
Vairāk informācijas par kampaņu var atrast apmeklējot:
IUSES is verkozen tot medepartner van de campagne Duurzame Energie Europa.
De campagne Duurzame Energie Europa 2005-2008 heeft als doel het bewustzijn van mensen te vergroten, en fungeert als een katalysator voor de continue (markt)ontwikkeling en promotie van duurzame energie technologieën. De campagne is gestart door het Directoraat Generaal voor Energie en Transport van de Europese Commissie in het kader van het Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) programma met als doel om het bewustzijn in de samenleving te vergroten en om in heel Europa de productie en het gebruik van duurzame energie te promoten onder individuen en organisaties, bedrijven en overheidsinstanties, professionele en energiebedrijven, industriebonden en NGO’s.
De campagnepartners dragen succesvol bij aan de doelen van de campagne door hun krachtige netwerk in te zetten en door de inzet van hun eigen hoge kwaliteit in de werkvelden waarin ze actief zijn.
Voor meer informatie over de campagne
IUSES a fost selectionat ca partener asociat al Campaniei pentru Energie Sustenabilä în Europa.
Energia Sustenabilä în Europa 2005-2008 este o campanie ale carei scopuri sunt sä creascä gradul de conştientizare publicä şi sä actioneze ca un catalizator pentru continua dezvoltare, promovare şi consolidare a pieţei tehnologiilor energetice sustenabile. Campania este lansatä de cätre Commisia Europeana prin Directia Generalä pentru Energie şi Transport în cadrul programului Energia Inteligentä în Europa (EIE), iar scopurile sunt sä creascä interesul public, sä promoveze producerea şi utilizarea de energie sustenabilä, pe scarä largä - de la indivizi şi organizaţii, la companii private şi autoritäţi publice, agenţii profesionale şi de energie, asociaţii industriale şi ONG-uri din întreaga Europä.
Asociaţii Campaniei contribuie la succesul obiectivelor Campaniei prin contribuţia adusä de reţea lor de contacte si prin propria notabilitate în ariile lor de activitate.
Aflaţi mai multe informaţii despre Campanie vizitând site-ul:
USES je bil izbran za pridruzenega clana v kampanji Sustainable Energy
Kampanjo Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 je sprozil Generalni
direktorat za energijo in transport Evropske komisije v okviru programa
Inteligentna energija v Evropi. Namen kampanje je povecati ozavescenost
javnosti, njeni cilji pa promocija trajnostne proizvodnje in rabe
energije med posamezniki in organizacijami. zasebnimi podjetji in
javnimi ustanovami, strokovnimi in energetskimi agencijami,
industrijskimi zdruzenji in nevladnimi organizacijami po vsej Evropi.
Kampanja je katalizator nadaljnjega razvoja, promocije in trznosti
trajnostnih energetskih tehnologij.
Na tem podrocju delujejo tudi
pridruzeni clani in s svojimi mocnimi mrezami in ugledom prispevajo k
ciljem kampanje
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The 1st of August IUSES project started its activities.
All partners met in Trieste for the kick off meeting in AREA Science Park from the 26th to the 29th of August. Three days of hard work and worthwhile exchange of experiences created a strong team spirit. The project team has defined the work plan of project activities, the structure of the IUSES educational tool kit and the index of the handbooks.
Next meeting will be in Leoben (Austria) in January 2009.
Les activités du projet IUSES ont commencé le 1er Août 2008.
Tous les partenaires se sont rencontrés à la réunion de lancement à Trieste à l’AREA Science Park du 26 au 29 Août. Ces trois jours de travail et d’échanges sur les expériences propres ont permis de créer un fort esprit d’équipe. L’équipe projet a défini le plan de travail pour chaque activité, la structure du tool kit éducatif et pédagogique et le sommaire des manuels.
Le prochain meeting aura lieu à Loeben (Autriche) en Janvier 2009
Intalnire de start IUSES
La 1 August proiectul IUSES si-a inceput activitatea. Toti partenerii s-au intalnit la Trieste pentru “intalnire de start” ce avut loc in perioada 26 – 29 August la Parcul Stiintific AREA.Cele trei zile de munca si schimbul de experienta intre parteneri a creat un puternic spirit de echipa. Conducerea proiectului a definit planul de lucru al activitatilor proiectului, structura kiturilor educationale si continutul de baza al manualelor IUSES.
Urmatorul miting va fi in Leoben (Austria) in Ianuarie 2009.
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